Nundamurra Waterhole

The above photo was taken at the Nundamurra watering hole. I know the Benoit family are at this event and can identify Bertha Benoit and Beryl Benoit. Can anyone please help in placing names to faces?

Watering Hole Group (Mundamurra)
Another photo of a group at the watering hole, Nundamurra Pool. Benoit family and others. I know Bertha and Arthur Benoit mentioned Ullrick family, Weir family (Wally Weir and Archie Benoit were best mates, with Wally best man at Archie’s wedding).

Can someone clarify names for me please. This photo has the same people in another which shows them all in front of an early model tray back car with the gentleman standing carrying the picnic basket. Sitting I am trying to see if that is Albert and Betsy Benoit with Bertha, Archie and Beryl. Is one Arthur or was he taking the photo? Help please.

Thank you, Helen Benoit

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