1920 Tenindewa Notes

January 22nd, 1920
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)

Very hot weather is the order of things around here, but still water and feed are plentiful and stock are good. There are a few nice haystacks around the farms. Most farms are finished stripping but the results, generally speaking are poor owing to the recent storm. In fact, there are heavy losers through it. Messes Jim Valentine and W.H. Stokes lost nearly all their crops, and others lost a fair proportion, as the hail wind and rain were very heavy.
Mr. Stafford lost a splendid draft horse a few days ago. He was tied up, but accidently got down and broke his neck.
The Bindu Road, which is the motor track to Geraldton, is in a very rough and bad state, and the Road Board do not attempt to make it better. Messes Valentine and Duncan’s road is also in a disgraceful and dangerous condition.
Owning to ever rising charges for commodities, I am afraid most farmers will have to go into towns, as 5 shillings per bushel for wheat is no good under the present conditions. Framers were better off when wheat was selling at 3 shillings and two pence [per bushel] (5 shillings per bushel equates to $1.50 per bag or $18.00 per tonne)
The timber for our railway stock yards has arrived and we hope to see them erected very soon, as there are a number of stock to be trucked during the next few months.
People are wondering as to what is the method of disposing of timber etc belonging to the wheat pool. In these days of short supplies, this should command a good price..

Geraldton Express
28 January 1920,
Tenindewa Notes
(From our Correspondent)

Christmas and New Year festivals having come and gone, the everlasting cocky has again to turn to the daily routine of farm life. There remain just a few bags of wheat yet to be carted to fulfill Tenindewa’s contribution to the Wheat Pool, Seed wheat, oats, barley, etc., together with the necessary manures, for the next harvest, concern us country residents more than the everyday topics.
Our cricket team started the new year by brilliantly knocking spots of Mullewa, and successfully turning the tables on Devil’s Creek. Great enthusiasm is always shown by supporters of both sides when, these two latter teams meet, and Iast Sunday’s match was no exception to the rule. Though only a country match, it was pleasing to watch, and the barracking was worthy of the West; Perth verses Geraldton football match, and to be a staunch of Tenindewa, I must say we were lucky to win, for had not Bob Oldham made such a good stand with the bat and trundled so successfully with the ball. It was a case of “Close the shutters, Willie’s dead” with Tenindewa yet Devil’s Creek were unlucky to lose.
Could do with a few thunderstorms now, as there is nothing to destroy and many dams and creeks to fill. Cooperative Store Committee still holding meetings, but unfortunately not, holding stock, and while you residents of Geraldton enjoy such luxuries as butter and tobacco, we have axle grease and tea leaves.
Moral: Start a store at the “toots,” and as there is an election next Sunday for directors, I hope the successful ones will please note. [sic?]

March 2nd, 1920
Geraldton Guardian
(From our own Correspondent)

Folk are looking forward to The St. Patrick’s Day Sports which according to the programme, gives promise to a good day’s amusement to both young and old.
Cricket is in full swing, and we must congratulate the Tenindewa club on their rally. Last Sunday they visited the Devil’s Creek team at Mullewa and had an easy victory. A similar result occurred the previous Sunday when the Mullewa team visited Tenindewa.
It is pleasing the marked progress in each of the teams since the season first started.

Geraldton Express
1st December 1920,
Tenindewa Notes.
(From Our Correspondent)

We are experiencing fairly hot weather, which, though oppressive, is very beneficial to the harvesting-, and we sincerely hope it will continue until the finish. No doubt we could do with the four inches, of rain that fell around Buntine for our water supply. Yet a thunderstorm evades us!
Last Sunday we had the pleasure of the Rev. Mr. Vine’s company, in spite of heat, dust, mosquitoes, and flies, he rode down from MulIewa to preach to us some of the Great Words. Good on you, reverend sir. If few more of your profession would only follow your good example and come out to the back-blocks, the never-seeing parson-folk of the country would be more enlightened in Christianity. Besides showing us the right track to take to take in future the Rev. Vine duly Christened two young Tenindewa-ites before departing.
To show independence of the ever-locked, never-used Co-operative Society’s Hall, a meeting of progressive settlers was held, at which it was decided to hold, on New Year’s Day, a sports meeting, the proceeds from which are going towards the erection of an Agricultura Hall. That’s a right move, and deserves to meet with the success which, apparently awaits it.
Referring to harvesting- a smart bit of this has just been completed by young Mr. Glen Maloney, of Indarra, who, single-handed runs the nice farm of his father’s adjoining the Mt. Magnet member Mr. M. F. Troy. Glen has already stripped and bagged his oat and wheat crops, banged his wheat away per trucks to pool, stacked 100 tons of hay, and this morning he took his team of horses, implements, etc., across to Mount Erin to help his father pull of, just over another 300 acres. Slick work this, but a dinkum worker is Glen.
Our school mistress, Miss Jean Paton, and her pupils are going for their lives arranging and collecting for the usual Christmas tree and festivities for the children of this district. I hear that after Xmas we shall be losing this genial lady schoolteacher, for, instead of continuing to teach and assist our young folk here, she will be joining up with, one of the opposite sex in helping to keep the campfires burning.

April 15th, 1920
A Letter from Tenindewa
Western Mail

My dear Aunt Mary,
I received your button and calendar quite safely. The Tenindewa Club played a cricket match last Sunday and won. They have two more games to play yet. There is a dance here on Saturday night. I might go if my cold is better. We have all got very bad colds up here. There is a new ganger up here. When are you going to send my badge? Well dear Aunt Mary, I must say goodbye as I have not much news to tell you this time.
I am your sincere niece.
My dear Olive,
I was glad to hear that you had received your button and calendar safely. The Tenindewa Cricket Club must have some good players among its members. I do hope the colds will soon be well. I cannot send the badge dear because we cannot get the ribbon to make them, as soon as its procurable you will see a letter in the “Western Mail”
With love I remain yours affectionately

Olive Stone married Alec Butler and became the mother of Keith, Paddy, Gloria (Cox) and Doreen (Lindsey)
Aunt Mary

May 26th, 1920
Tenindewah [sic] Notes
(From our Correspondent)

Congratulations to Mr. Tom Moore for his meritorious win in the electioneering contest. Tenindewa did her bit by voting straight out Labor. Improving aren’t we? “Lord save us” said Mrs. Davis. There will be “some please explains” circling around the cocky districts for the Farmers and Settlers meetings, I’ll bet.
While on this election stunt, I will, with your kind permission relate how I got a vote for Tom Moore. I was canvassing out back. Going into a farmhouse, I met a man, who in my mind was, “Dad on our Selection.” How Darwin missed him is a conundrum.
Here goes to describe him. About 6 feet [1.8 meters] high and his age I defy the Government Veterinary Surgeon to prove no hat on; and, as his rusty coloured hair hadn’t seen Joe Ryan for at least two years, it puts me in mind of a sheaf of Federation wheat; beetled eyebrows, with projecting knots like doublegees; sandy-blight eyes ; ears like saddle-flaps, with a nose on his face like my boot. Picture three inches of barbed wire, then you have his moustache, likewise a stable broom for his whiskers. To finish up politely, his mouth could be termed a trench. He was smoking a broken stump of a pipe, and the dribbles that came from his mouth and nose would water a team of horses for a fortnight.
Anyhow I wasn’t going to retreat. I wanted his vote so got off the mark, explaining how he had enough Stone on his roads with Cars-on too, all he wanted was Moore ballast, and by voting Labor he would get that, for the candidates had plenty of grit and would shovel it out in Parliament. “Vote for Labor!” said Mr. Deatherlip, “not me. If I do, up goes wages.” “Enough of all that, digger” I said, “I have heard that whinging from every cocky for the last ten years. That is the only gag you cockies can put up against Labor. Here! Can you dispute that the Scadden Government did more for the cocky than any other Government before or since? Weren’t you, before you became a farmer, a labourer yourself? Didn’t you want fair wages? Put this motto into your brainbox –“Feed a horse well; pay a man well; never keep a drone in either class; then you will get good work done.! You farmers amuse me. Pay good wages, you won’t but, you will let some agent tear the lining out of your purse, paying exorbitant prices for machinery, etc., etc., and say nothing. But I’ll chuck you that in about wages. That’s not mentioned in Mr. Moore’s platform. He is only out to keep down the cost of living . “Now that’s better” said the cock. “I want to do another acre before I knock off to vote. Just answer me these questions and maybe I will vote for your man. Is he skinny or fat.” “Medium ” I answered. “Is he a big eater” “Holy Mosses! I wonder what he is driving at” and as I did not know how to answer him, I took a risk and said “Very poor. I have known him to live on sixpenny worth of prawns for two days. “Good enough” he said. “off you pop, I’ll vote for him; he’s the chap.” And when I asked him his reasons, he got quite wild, and said: “Don’t you read the papers? Hasn’t Jimmy Mitchell and his mob been eating up (banquets) the surplus; haven’t they eaten up everything the voter will pay for except kangaroo skins? Hasn’t he just come up to Geraldton, drunk up Major Kempton’s water scheme and gone back to tackle the skins; so if he gets any reinforcements with corporations and appetites like himself, Jack Scadden, Colebatch and Co., they’ll soon gobble up everything, and the only jam left for the cock will be jam trees. Good-day. Yes I’ll vote for Moore certain.”
Football started last Sunday week. Devil’s Creek beat Mullewa. Last Sunday we played Devil’s Creek, and, characteristic of the enthusiasm of the enthusiasm shown here in sport s, only nine players put in an appearance, and then we were only beaten by four points.

Oh; I forgot to tell you–well, in truth I was ashamed–that at the finish of the cricket season a combined team–Mullewa, Devil’s Creek and Tenindewa went to Walkaway to return the compliment. Walkaway paid us swank going down. You should have seen them! The champion bowler of the district wearing his medal too. No trains for them–motor cars, if you please, this was going down. Was coming up different, did you say? Wasn’t it; Some walked back, others slunk back, some not back yet, for the whole combined team only made ten. Cullerton and Connolly mowing them down like thistles–5 for 2 and 5 for 8 being their averages. “Lest said soonest mended.” I live in Tenindewa. Walkaway made 100. Would have been in yet only its seeding time and they thought they would not keep our fellows away too long.
I think Tenindewa is going to hop along some, as Mr. Benoit has just had erected as nice a villa as anyone could desire. Mr. R. Oldham has another nearing completion, and I believe two liggers. [sic]
I’ll be laying foundations for two more next month. More votes for Labor shortly, etc.
Rains have come nicely this year. If they are as good at the end, well the result will be, of course, a bumper harvest.

15th June 1920
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)

Nice rains have fallen around this part of the district, and everything in the garden is looking lovely. The order of the day with the farmer is large areas of wheat, in anticipation of a big price next year.
The grass is making good growth and stock are looking well, and there should be some good wool clips around here at the end of this year, as sheep have had a good season. I notice lambs are fairly plentiful in the paddocks also and look well. This is a fine stock raising district when better methods are used.
The new railway stockyards are finished and are proving a great convenience to the settlers, but better arrangements for dispatching and lifting stock are required.
The school holidays have just finished, and the lads and lassies are back at their books.
It is rumored that Mr. N. Fry, who left to settle in Victoria, will shortly return and settle again in this district. Surely the place has charm! They all come back

Western Mail
August 5th, 1920
A Letter from Tenindewa

My Dear Aunt Mary,
I am sorry I kept you waiting so long for a letter from me.
We have had plenty of rain up here, and the garden is looking well, and the farmers have finished seeding. We have had some football matches up here, and Tenindewa has been winning every match until last Sunday and they got beaten. We are to have a weeks holiday for the Prince of Wales’s arrival. On my father’s holidays I am going down to Perth with him. It is very wet today. We have a horse and sulky of our own, so we can go for a ride when we like. Mother, my two sisters and I went for a drive on Wednesday. We started at eight o’clock. It was very cold. Dear Aunt Mary, I must now say goodbye for this time, as I have not much news to tell you, so I will close with best wishes. Are you getting much rain down in Perth–I remain, your loving niece, Olive M Stone.
My Dear Olive,
I was very glad to hear from you again. The season promises to be a really good one this year. What a boon it must be to everyone. Bravo for Tenindewa winning the football matches. You must have all been excited at the results I hope you enjoy your visit to Perth. The driving must be great pleasure. With love from us all–I remain yours lovingly,
Aunt Mary
Note; Miss Olive Stone heralded from Northampton and she eventually married a local farmer at Tenindewa in Mr. Alex Butler.

August 10th, 1920
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)

Last Sunday the Tenindewa footballers met the Devils Creek team and got a severe drubbing on their own ground. This is not as it should be. These two teams are now level pegging for the premiership. So Tenindewa have to meet Mullewa next. If they win, which they should do if a full team gets together, they will be premiers.
If rumour is correct wedding bells will soon be ringing for a Tenindewa couple; its nice to see young couples settling down.
Last week Tenindewa experienced four of the heaviest frosts for many years. Everything put on a white coat and ice was plentiful. Some of the crops around here were touched with it, and a good number of potato patches as well.
We have had some lovely rains, and if the season continues showery there should be some of the best crops ever harvested in this part. Most farmers go in for a fair percentage of fallow hence crops are fairly sure.
Some remarkably fine crops are showing in this district. Feed is plentiful, and all stock are looking well. There should be a good wool clip. Lambing is about finished and the youngsters look very nice playing around in the paddocks. The flower season is here, and it is quite a pleasure to be outdoors.

The Young Idea
Upon scholars at a Bath secondary school being ordered to write an essay on school work, one bright youngster worked off the following in his papers; “home lessons are hastening my life towards the tomb”

September 21st, 1920
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)

The most popular news this time is people are marrying. Our esteemed farmer Mr. R (Bob) Oldham, was married on Tuesday last, at Christ Church, Geraldton, to Miss Gwen Palmer. Many Tenindewa residents visited Geraldton to witness the happy event, and their many good friends wish them every good fortune.

Tenindewa footballers got a licking for the premiership. I think they must have dropped their tail a bit, as Devils Creek won by a good margin, after a fairly robust game.
Crops are looking remarkably good and I tip a bumper harvest if we do not get rust, septoria, smut or a storm. Of course the farmer is never sure of his crop until it is in the bag, and tightly sown up. Things could not look brighter for the farmers than they do.
Messrs. Stafford and Oldham are preparing for the freezing works. They have raised some very fine crossbred lambs this season. It is to be hoped the works will go ahead, as they have been hanging far too long.
On local farmer has tried Wimmera rye grass in his paddocks, and it is doing well. The grass is giving great results in lamb raising in Victoria.
Many residents intend seeing the Geraldton Agricultural Show this year. It is a good decision to have a few days holiday and rest. There is plenty of work in this district, but men are hard to get, Good prices are being offered for clearing.
Farmers are commencing their shearing, and should get splendid clips, as the season has been good all through.

[Miss Gwen Palmer was a sister to Miss Kathleen Palmer who wrote the book “Memories of a Migrant”]

October 8th, 1920
Geraldton Express
Tenindewa Notes (From our Correspondent)

Shows over, shearing in progress, the next item on the farmers programme is gathering in the [best] harvest on record, and I can assure you Tenindewa and her surrounding districts will be bound to take a place in this event. For, “By the piper that played Moses” we have some crops. I should dearly love a few of the adverse critics as to Bindu’s wheat growing propensities just to come along and inspect Messrs. Brenkley Bros., Brodrick, Curtis, Johnson, Benoit and H. J. Stafford crops and the rest will be given to them direct.
Paid a visit to the river last Sunday. I was amazed to see the rapid progress of that good energetic old battler, Tom Kember had made on his new selection of over 3000 acres [1200 hectares] There is only one fly in Tom’s ointment; and that is a grass on the sandplain which Tom hears on good authority is rank poison. I am getting an expert’s advice for him. So more annon.
Geraldton’s old time station master, Mr. H. J. Stafford is brushing up his clothes in preparations for a great swank in Geraldton after harvest, for he has without doubt an unbeatable crop, and good luck to the old digger for he is a toiler of the best.

Geraldton Guardian
November 9th, 1920
Tenindewa Notes
(From an occasional Correspondent)

The summer is now closing on us, and before long harvesters will be busy around us. The winter, to my idea has cut off short. To look at rain gauge registrations, we have had more rain than average years, but the majority of it fell in a few months, leaving the latter part of September and October very dry. Although the crops in the district would take anyone’s eye, a careful examination will show the heads not as full as they could be. This shows more particularly in the late varieties. Farmers are not worrying over the sharp closing of the season. The advance on the crop is the only thing that concerns them, and there will be great grumbling if it’s not 5 shillings nett. [per bushel] on the siding.
A fair amount of hay has been cut, and rivalry exists in the [hay] stack building art to some extent. Will say later who carries the honours.
Great interest has been taken this year in the Mullewa Road Board rate payers meeting, and our local member came in for a good deal of criticism. It seems as if we could not get anyone to suit us, judging by the changes that take place.

Geraldton Guardian
November 13th, 1920
(From our own Correspondent)

The summer has come and very warm days are being experienced. Record crops are being stripped around Tenindewa. Mr. H. Johnson sowed one bag of wheat (Gresley) and stripped twenty eight and a half bags. Mr. H. J. Stafford is stripping a 30 bushel crop of Queen Fan, a good South Australian variety, and Gluyas, [sic] is getting over 40 bushels of barley per acre [2.5 tonne per hectare] Almost all farmers are taking off the golden grain, and are very satisfied with the results. A few returned soldiers are farming around here, and are doing very well. Mr. W. Gee is one, and his crops are looking very nice. Feed is plentiful and stock sleek.
Mr. and Mrs. Oldham are back from their honeymoon and have settled down in their nice little residence, recently built.
Farmers are very dissatisfied at the small first payment on their wheat. Half a crown a bushel is not enough to pay wages. They wonder why the Federal Treasurer could not issue notes and pay up, as wheat is better than a gold reserve when nations are starving for it, and the wheat is ready to rail in many cases. Some farmers are waiting to cart their wheat to the siding, but no arrangements have yet been made to receive it. — late as usual.
Railway trains on this line might be looked after better than they are. On Thursday morning’s train into Geraldton no towels were available. In my compartment, two long distance travelers wanted a wash. One was puzzled for a long while, and at length pulled the slip off the pillow–not too clean–and wiped his face in that. The other managed as best he could with a handkerchief. There was no light either, owing to the policy of any old carriages being considered for the northern district. It has an oil, but instead of the oil being in the oil-well, it was in the glass globe. Perhaps our railway officers will take note a give travellers a little more consideration.
Note; In accumulating snippets of evidence in prosecuting the case for “Our own Correspondent” being Leo Critch the line (above) on the honeymooners returning home does add to the case for the affirmative. Leo’s own honeymoon shack (such as it was) would not have been one kilometer from the Oldhams‘ but on the northern side of the Kockatea Creek.
Note; Sadly this Oldham house was deliberately burned down. (See, 6th of March 1933)

November 17th, 1920
Tenindewa Notes
(From our Correspondent)

Harvesting here, as elsewhere, is in full swing, and as I have previously mentioned, the gathering will be bountiful. In some cases the reaper has been introduced to this district, in preference to the harvester, which goes to show we are progressing fast. If the Mitchell Government would only encourage, instead of forbidding, the destruction of the emu, the Hon. Thomas Moore might not have it all his own way next election in this cocky centre.
The knock back of the sale of wool put a damper on the bright outlook there was for high prices earlier in the season. I hear that Messrs. Petroff and Butler Bros. were the only two around this district to fluke top market before it fell like a pricked balloon.
Nine bob a bushel for home consumption wheat ($4.00 per tonne), certainly cannot be sneezed at, but the two and sixpence cash (25 cents) first installment on the pooled wheat is, to my mind, “up to mud”. For my contention is this — by the time the finalizing amount is paid, with the perpetual advancement in the cost of living, this pouny note then will only produce 10 shillings ($1.00) value. For instance: yesterday a farmer received 50 pounds ($100.00) from his 1916 crop of wheat. Ask yourself what the 50 pounds was then worth against its worth today?

Believe the residents of Eradu, on seeing the old pub pulled down and trucked away, are petitioning to the Railway Department for a refreshment station at Eradu– a much needed requirement, and, if they include a trough, so as those poor thirsty horses that are continually dragging their farmers along miles of sandy roads to meet trains, could in conjunction quench their thirsts, Eradu would be worth settling around.
Some talk at Tenindewa of having the townsite shifted, or of reversing position with the cemetery. I could not say whether the same engineer who laid out the “town” of Mullewa had anything to do with our “city”. However, it seems peculiar that our cemetery should be adjacent to the railway line, while the townsite is on the backside of a stony ridge, approached during the winter months through a quog marsh per floating log or per medium of life belt only. [I] Once was told, where commenting on this townsite, that the plans were taken off upside down, and I am wondering if the engineer who drew he plans of Tenindewa wasn’t something similar–upside down himself.
Everyone is waiting for the shareholders annual meeting of the Cooperative Society. I think Mr. Editor, if I remember rightly, you have heard of this society before and as everyone is going to say something at the meeting you may again hear something. [in a later edition]

Geraldton Guardian
December 4th, 1920
Tenindewa Notes
(From an occasional Correspondent)

Recently Messrs. Sutcliffe and Manners, organizers of the Primary Producers Association visited Tenindewa and addressed a public meeting at the Cooperative Hall. The local branch has been semi-moribund for some time but the speakers put new life into it, Mr. Alec Rumble being induce to take on the duties of hon. secretary, and Mr. Chas. J. Stafford the presidency. Other officers will be appointed shortly.
It is hoped in view of the near approach of the state elections the settlers will unite to help to put Mr. H. K. Maley on the top of the poll.
The harvesters are very, busy and the crops are coming off well, but I fear the huge crops mentioned in a recent issue will be by no means the rule. A fair average is assured, but the settlers out back have suffered terribly from the ravages of emus. These numerous birds roam the district in flocks of 50 to 100 and stalk to and fro through the crops breaking the hearts of sturdiest settlers. Something will have to be done about them, or farmers will hesitate to clear more land, or crop what they have, for the prohibitive price of wire, fencing is out of the question. By the way, one practical farmer suggested to me that a lot of wire netting now being used in a useless rabbit fence should be used to keep back these terrible pests.
Many farmers are back at the old weary water carting, for it is a long time since any rain fell, and it seems as far away as ever.
There is a great scarcity of bags for wheat, and the matter is causing the farmers anxiety. It appears that the Eastern States is fully supplied, while W.A. is bagless. Bags left Calcutta for the East in October, while the steamer conveying the bulk of our bags only left in November, and is not due in Fremantle until December the 6th. The East do not require the bags, while W.A., whose harvest is very early this season, is in sore need of them. The wheat is shedding badly, and this will materially reduce the yields unless bags are forthcoming.
Wheat receiving at the sidings will commence soon as farmers notify they are ready to deliver in sufficient quantities, but so far none have done so. If there is delay the farmers have only themselves to thank, as it is useless to requisition trucks and not be able to fill them.
The annual Christmas tree is arranged for Saturday, December 11th. Miss Paton, the popular school teacher, is again the organizer, and the affair promises to be an even grater success than last year. It is hoped her efforts will receive better appreciation than previously, for the work is heavy requires much thought, and is worthy of at least a spontaneous vote of thanks.
On Boxing Day it is intended to hold some real dinkum sports. A strong committee has been got together and they are working hard to make a them a success. Mr. George Napier has undertaken the secretarial duties, so no stone will be left unturned. The usual dance will conclude the days festivities.
On Advent Sunday the first Church of England service was held at Tenindewa, the Rev. H. Vine, Rector of Christ Church, Geraldton, being the officiating clergyman. The hall was well filled, but the harvest being in full swing and the farmers having a long way to come caused the absence of many. The service was of a simple, hearty character, the singing being really good, considering it was unaccompanied. The Rev. gentleman took for his text, “The Lord hath need of them” and gave a very earnest address. He especially stressed the need of clergymen in Mullewa to minister to the district from Yalgoo to Tenindewa, and the Archbishop had promised to station one there as soon as a young man was available. Mr. Vine greatly impressed the congregation, and it is hoped to arrange a real fine harvest thanksgiving later on. The feature of the service was the administration of the rite of Holy Baptism to the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Napier. This was the first public baptism ever held at Tenindewa.

December 7th, 1920
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)

Things could not be much better, over 100 in the shade daily [38 degrees Celsius], and fires all round. Speaking of fires, it is time the railways took a pull. On my last trip from Geraldton the engine started several fires, including one in Grant’s paddock.
The farmers are busy harvesting and crops are close up to expectations, so there should be a record lot of wheat from this district for the 1920 season.
My last notes should have read that Mr. W. H. Johnson got 32.5 bags [of] Gresley wheat from one bag sown, and the 40 bushels of barley were being stripped at “Menang” not Mittagong.
Tenindewa is holding a sports meeting on New Years Day, the proceeds to go towards building and Agricultural Hall. (A very good idea)
The State School children have collected a goodly sum for their Christmas tree so the youngsters are to have a good time shortly. I believe we are to loose our teacher after Christmas.

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