On the Road Again cover

On the Road Again – an autobiography by Kevin Critch

Kevin was born in Geraldton in 1921 and died in 2010. His autobiography starts in 1853 when his grandfather was born, and documents Kevin’s life each decade until the 1990s.


  1. Would love a copy of this book. I’m searching for one. I’m from newfoundland Canada. My Critch’s came from England. Nathaniel born about 1755-1758 and married Hannah Bryan. Very proud of my family line, we are all warriors it seems ❤️

    1. Author

      Hi Jane,
      I don’t think I answered this previously so sorry about that.
      The book is on this website under “Written History” however it just about impossible to find a real one as there were only a few printed and a long time ago.
      I fiddle with Critch history and I know we connect with the Canadian mob but some way back in time indeed.
      If you needed what i have let me know and I will do my best to pass it on to you
      Tony Critch

    2. Hi Anthony
      I’ve tried to print the book from the site but without success is there a way to do this?

      1. Author

        Hi Meredith,

        I’m not too good on that technical stuff but I just went to the cover page (for example) and right-clicked and hit “save as” and that worked.
        I guess you will have to do that page by page but it seems it can be done

        Good luck

        Tony Critch

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