January 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Thank goodness that dry year of 1922 has gone, and now that Mr. Clement Wragge is dead, he has taken all his forecasts for further droughts with him, so we can start this year , even if we do have a dry spell, without anyone saying “Another drought —Wragge says so”
The best Christmas Tree ever held here was this year organized and carried through by Mrs. Joe Stafford. It was held at the proper time –Christmas Eve–the children’s presents being well selected and of equal value, thus giving no cause whatever for dissatisfaction or complaint. As Mrs. Stafford took particular care that no adult partook of any refreshments provided for children, the kiddies thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
The Voluntary Wheat Pool, no responsibility, has not been a means of putting too many plums in Mr. Joe O’Brien’s Christmas duff [a flour pudding]. As Joe is the receiver of wheat for the “Pool” at Tenindewa, he is now tired of saying grace “for what I am about to receive etc.” and so is turning it up. [stopping]. When speaking to him re. the loading of wheat, he remarked the “Jack Major wore out the hind part of three pairs of trousers waiting for the wheat to come in last year, and I have worn my boots out running around the farms to see where there is any wheat to load”.
It is an ill wind that blows anybody any good. The drought that we have just experienced (and which is still on) has made most of the farmers pick up a boring plant and prospect for water, with the result that many have been successful. Messrs. Oldham, Stokes, Rumble and Stafford all have struck good water, the first named farmer watering 500 sheep beside [as well as] his working horses, from a well newly found on his sandplain country. For those unfortunate individuals who have tried and failed, it is extremely hard to have to pull water 80 feet [25 metres], after waiting their turn from the only source in Tenindewa, where there is a windmill over [collapsed] which if repaired, would save time and labour and money to many in the district. I hope our member [of parliament] will read this, for it is an urgent necessity.
Sorry to learn from Mr. Cid Eves, that his brother Mr. Ernie Eves of Walkaway has just returned from Perth, after undergoing a very serious operation, necessitating the attendance of three Perth physicians. Though very weak I am glad to say he is well on the mend. Ernie Eves it was, who carted all, or most, of that high grade ore for Mr. Dorrie Doolette of Bullfinch fame.
Mr. Dan Clifford, late of manager for Mr, M.F.Troy, MLA, died last week. Hard and game old toiler was Dan.
I nearly turned my toes up myself the other day, fair dinkum, only for being so hard in the brain box [thick skulled] I believe I would have gone. Three days before Christmas, I was carting from Mr. Troy’s dam, when going downhill the shafts of the cart snapped off, throwing me out [of the buggy] and the tank of water on top of me. Further than pulverizing my hat, bruising and swelling my head to four times its ordinary size, dislocating 5 ribs and then putting me in bed for two days, I am not much worse off.
Note; Leo’s homestead was about 5 klms east of Troy’s dam. The said “hill” is about half way, just west of the Kockatea Creek on the Old Wagon Road .
March 29th 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Farming around here is one huge picnic, and the farmers are the gutsiest lot you could see; always smiling never cursing. They have very little work to do at this time of the year; they just cart water and then sit down and enjoy watching the stock drink up in an hour what it took all day to get. Water carting is not hard labour, because they have a nice one-handled windlass at each well and one well is only 60 feet deep. Mr. Denne Morgan’s well is 200 feet deep. The farmers do not believe in windmills on wells; they might be tempted to cart water when their dams are full. Windmills are only for townspeople who have to work six or seven hours a day. There is a windmill on one well but the farmers won’t use it. Drawing water by a windlass keeps their muscles fit.
We had an Ugly Men’s Competition here a week or so ago and although there was nothing to chose between the looks of the competitors, one had to win, so it fell to Bob Faull’s lot, and now the other side are displeased. What a pity everyone could not be a winner. It would save such a lot of bad feeling. The funds from the competition will help pay for the Agricultural Hall piano.
Very little, if any ploughing is being done, owing to the water carting, and the delay of the Mullewa Roads Board in fixing up proper conveniences at the Wollya water reserve. Feed and water are scarce and stock generally are poor. Wake up Mullewa Road Board; we shall have next summer her soon!
There is no school at Bindu yet, although I believe it was promised about 12 months ago. What are our members of Parliament for? Surely these growing up Australians deserve better attention at the hands of the Parliament.
We have had a lot of “Pommies” round here, and they are a first class type of manhood. They are always on the water wagon; are not afraid of hard work, or the heat, or rough living, and will surely make good Australians after a while. If these men could not battle along in the north of Australia, then I don’t think anyone could. Fill up the empty spaces with them and have no fears about holding this country.
While writing these notes a north-west gale is blowing hard and the clouds of dust are that dense that one cannot see 50 yards off. They reach the sky. To give you an an idea of the strength of the wind, I may mention I have a well on a dividing fence and when the sheep from the north paddock came for water it blew them through a six wire fence. It didn’t matter much, as it saved me from mustering that paddock. I thought I would get away from the wind and dust and went into the sandplain scrub and took guns with me, thinking I might get a shot. A nice turkey rose about 40 yards off, [40 metres] and I had a shot against the wind, but it was no use—the shot fell at my feet. The wind was too strong (fact). I do not know who has my paddocks now, as they have been blown away all day, but it doesn’t matter as I will get someone else’s soil. The dust must settle somewhere.—the house is full of it and we have to keep digging things out. It is the worst dust storm experience here. It started at 10,00 am and at 5.00 pm it was still going strong.
The euchre party and dance was held last night here, in aid of the Agricultural hall. There was a good attendance and all seemed to enjoy themselves. It is time the Government helped this hall with a small subsidy.
Water carting under great difficulties is still the order of the day, although a little thunderstorm passed over on Friday last and a few people caught a little household water.
Sometime ago you had a piece in the “Guardian” about a sagacious dog. Well, I have a bitch (pedigree dog) which mothers three little pigs who’s mother died at birth. When they went away from her kennel, She would quietly quietly work them back again. She would hunt her own pup away for the infant pigs. The same dog found a nest where the hen had just taken a chicken away, leaving one egg chipped, but not hatched. The dog heard a chicken squawking in the egg and carried it about 40 yards into the house and laid it down at the wife’s feet, then looked up with a whine. The chicken in a fine, healthy rooster now.
How much of this article is fact and how much is conjured humor is hard to know but Leo Critch did have a wife from 1918 to 1926 living in the area. She, Mary (May) Critch passed away in 1928
April 28th 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
The drought has broken, and all are glad. We had, I think, about one and a half inches [40 mm] of rain on Saturday and Sunday last. I have not seen a water cart on the road since and it feels so very pleasant to walk on moist ground, after the dust and loose sand for many months. Already green shoots of grass etc., are noticeable above ground, and before long I expect to see a lovely green coat covering the ground where previously all was dust.
I notice all the men on the land are now very busy plowing and some seeding. Mr. Stafford senr. has 150 acres [60 hectares] of oats drilled in, and Mr. Bob Oldham has 100 acres [40 hectares]
Mt. T. Shaw’s little son, Willie, returned home from hospital on Saturday last. He is slowly recovering from his burns. [Tom Shaw was a farmhand for the famous, the honorable M. F. Troy]
The G.C.A. in Geraldton should interest itself in the train service; it is absolutely abominable, I went to Utakarra stock sale last Friday and the train was so late the sale was over when it arrived, and on my return journey on Saturday it left an hour late. Fancy being without tucker from 7.30 am till 8.00 pm. A little while since I sent some cattle to Utakarra sale and they arrived late when nearly all the buyers were gone, hence 5 head of good cattle only realized 17 pounds [$34.00] instead of 30 pounds [$60.00]
The G.C.A. might interest itself in keeping cattle from grazing in the Methodist Cemetery. On my last visit there were cattle grazing and walking over the graves.
Note; 1923 was no drought at any point it seems in hindsight. June for example had 200mm and Tenindewa had 400mm for the year?
June 5th 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From an Occasional Correspondent)
Geraldton Guardian
For some time past dances have been held in aid of a hall and piano fund. The piano is on the spot and is being paid for in installments, but the new hall has yet to be built, the present one being entirely inadequate for the growing needs of the district. With the idea of swelling the funds more considerably, a strong committee has been formed, and it has been decided to run a social and dance monthly. An attractive programme is being arranged including popular [dancing] and waltzing competitions, balloon dances, etc., which will commence early in July. The next dance in aid of the above funds will take place on Saturday, June 9th, good music and an excellent supper will be provided.
Mr. H Stokes is doing good work with his new tractor, and is getting the new land ploughed and seeded in far less time than the old method. For large farms the tractors must hold their own, being both labour and money saving, but for the small farms the faithful “neddy” is as useful as ever.
There is now a public telephone office at Ardingly, which remains open for two hours daily, and an opening fee of one shilling [10 cents] charged to the public after these hours. Subscribers, who wish to be connected with the line, will naturally hold off until the hours are lengthened for business, as shillings are too scarce nowadays. Tenindewa’s telephone is open to the public for six hours daily.
Another schoolmistress will be required for the new school at Bindu when the building is complete. Considering the number of children there are in this district the school will supply a long want. Miss Edwards the new schoolmistress at Tenindewa State school, is very popular with the children and fills the position nicely.
July 14th 1923
Social at Tenindewa Notes (From an occasional Correspondent)
Geraldton Guardian
A most successful social and dance was held at the Tenindewa Hall on Saturday, July 7th, in aid of the Hall and Piano fund; The hall being tastefully decorated with many coloured streamers. A waltzing competition which was decided by votes of the company, resulted in Miss Ollie Stone and Mr. E. Driscoll being declared the winners. The lucky winners of the “Spot Waltz” were Mrs. Martin and Mr. E Driscoll. The handsome cash prizes were presented to the winning couples by Mr. Bonnieface, who announced that in two mouths’ time, a gold medal valued at five guineas [$10.50] would be offered for another waltzing competition. Mr. N. Rumble was the genial M.C. supported by Mr. Bonniface. the pianist for the evening being Mrs. H. B. Peet who is acting in an honorary capacity for the above cause. Altogether the affair was voted on of the best held for some time past, and is the forerunner for many to come. A big send-off to Mr. J. Stone of the permanent-way is to be held in a fortnight’s time.
Mr. Stone has been transferred to Bunbury.
Kerosene was first used for lighting in 1826.
July 19th 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Rain, more rain and still some is the order of the day and night. It hampered putting in crops around here and a few are still to finish seeding. To show the pure cussedness of the Weather Clerk we had to cart water day after day until late summer and into autumn, which made us very late starting on the crops and since, rain has stopped us. It is common to see plows and other machines bogged in paddocks. Feed is very plentiful and stock are improving.
The Railway Department should be put in the hands of a business man to run, so that the revenue wanted by Sir James Mitchell could be obtained instead of as at present chasing it away.
To illustrate —at least a motor car a day passes along our road to or from Mullewa conveying from two to five people. This has started since the increased fares and owing to the heavy freight charges the settlers around here are trying to arrange a vehicle to go by road once a month to go for stores and take down loading. A thousand gallon tank (4500 litres) from Geraldton to Tenindewa costs in railage 2 pounds ($4.00), empty drapery cases about 4 foot square (1 metre square) costs 4 pounds ($8.00) 1 bag of cement costs 3 shillings and sixpence (35 cents) and so on. Is it any wonder the farmers cannot make a do of things?
The first duty of a railway in a new country like W.A. is to help development. It was never intended that the railways should be a paying concern. The Government receives other revenue which compensates by land settlement etc wherever a line is put. When will the Government see the folly of these excessive fares and freights? The carriages are empty and the people are getting as little as possible by goods train. It costs just as much to run an empty carriage as a full one and the same with a truck. We have thousands of tons of the best fire wood going to waste and burning up in the fields, whereas it should be keeping the many houses in Geraldton warm and comfortable, but here again rail charges are too heavy. It is good traffic and pays well. There is no handling or responsibility for the railways with it and it can be lifted at their convenience. Again if a farmer sends stock away or receives same he is bumped and most of the sale price gone to rail revenue. I got a 60 pound pig (24 kgs) in a create a few weeks since and the freight was 9 shillings and sixpence ($1.00) A thousand gallon tank costing 8 pounds ($16.00) in Perth costs over 6 pounds ($12.00) in freight. Why not shut up the railways and get to the old bullock wagons and hose teams again–they would be nearly as quick, too, and far cheaper.
The new school at Bindu is nearly completed and it will be a good thing for the kiddies there. It is a pity to see nice bright children neglected in education.
Mr. Joe Stone of the Railway Department is being transferred down Bunbury way, after many years of good service here. Joe is always willing to help anything along. They are giving him a proper send off next Saturday. I wish him well in his new job.
The Wollya Water Supply outfit is still in a disgraceful condition and it appears to be useless to write to the Road Board, Public Works Department or our member. I suppose it will be left until we are short of water again. The cry by the Premier and his Minister for Agriculture is “Produce more wheat” and still they will not even spend a few pounds in giving decent facilities for hauling water. All through last summer it was common to see a half dozen teams waiting for water and only two old rickety windlasses with one handle each to use.
August 23rd 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From an Occasional Correspondent)
Geraldton Guardian
There was a great gathering in the Tenindewa Hall on Saturday evening, August 11th, the occasion being a fancy dress ball, in aid of the Hall and Piano fund, and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. George Eves was the M.C., whilst the music was supplied by Miss Maloney. The Grand March showing some very attractive costumes, several prizes being afterwards presented to the winners of the best fancy dresses, ladies and gentlemen. these were Miss Eileen Palmer (gypsy), and Mr. Cyril Eves (jazz pierrette). The prize for the best dressed girl went to Miss Esme Stafford (daffodil) and the boys prize to Master W. Stafford (swaggie). During the evening songs were rendered by Messrs, Brodrick, Griffiths, Palmer, and Kember, which were much appreciated. A dainty supper was afterwards served. The committee have every reason to be pleased with the success of their efforts, and thanks are “especially” due to the ladies of the committee, Mesdames Eves, Palmer, Rumble, Oldham, Dunkin, and others. The following is a list of the costumes worn;- Mrs C. J. Stafford, pierrette; Mrs. M. Kember, Queen of Clubs, Miss, E. Robertson, folly; Miss E. Palmer, gypsy; Miss C. Maloney, “Tommy Atkins” Miss Esme Stafford, daffodil; Miss T. Martin, Japanese girls; Miss E. Shaw, cornflower; Miss Elsie Stafford, spring; Mr. J. Boniface, “Eve, 1923”; Mr. M. Kember, clown; Miss G. Maloney, clown; Mr. W. Griffiths, “Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch”; Master E. Shaw, highwayman; Master R. Martin, black and white; Master A. Shaw, Red Indian; Master W. Stafford, swaggie; Plain costumes: Mrs. Eves, Silver net over gold satin; Miss D. Roberts, Black crepe de chene with nett overdress; Mrs. martin, silver grey voile, inlet with silk embroidery; Miss Stone, floral voile relieved with organdy; Mrs. Peet, electric blue silk organdy, with girdle; Miss Cameron, palest pink charmouse satin; Miss Edwards, cream georgette silk embroidered with jet beads; Miss Robinson, black net over silk; Mrs. H. Stokes, cream silk; Miss Butler, black voile and silk.
September 7th 1923.
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Though the crops look healthy and nice, if the clouds which accumulate in the sky every day, lately, would all tumble to pieces over our farms and saturate the earth, we would be over joyful. If they won’t do this, we wish they would clear to the deuee out of sight. Day after day threatening to rain is worse than none.
Our district of Bindu this season is going to hold its end up not withstanding J.J. Keeffe has a 30 bushel crop. Frank McGuiness is running this close at Devils Creek: eight bags average (1.6 tonne per hectare) over 700 acres (280 hectares) is what Brenkley Bros. expect this year, and, in anticipation of this bumper harvest, Mr. Walter Brenkley has ordered a 500 pounds ($1000.00) tractor. Good on you, Walter. We will show them what our district can produce even though the Government is against the Yuna [Railway] line and everything else to progress the progress of the cockies.
Some people, Mr. Editor, leave all their money etc., to relatives and friends after they turn their toes up. Not so for our farming friend Mr. Glen Malony, of Walkaway. He believes in living to see how he or she, to who he may befriend, carry on. So, in accordance with his belief, he has just presented his son Glen Malony with as nice a freehold farm of 3000 acres (1200 hectares) as anyone would wish to acquire, together with 500 sheep, working horses and machinery. If Glen doesn’t make good, he ort to, for such fathers are not too numerous.
Note; (This property is situated immediately to the west of Indarra on the south side of the line. It was sold to the Smith family in 1868)
I met Mr. T Cooper the other day. He has not been too long back from Victoria. He went there to see the last days of his aged mother and, arrived there just before the good lady died. He told me Mr. “Texas” Green was on the same train across, and he (Mr. Cooper) was surprised at Mr. Green’s intelligence. Not all logs of wood these Labor chaps, though some do come from the jarrah. [country]
I was greatly amused at “Jingo’s” skit not so long ago, on the anti-sleep contest by two Italians going for 98 hours without sleep, but I want to inform my brother scribe that he was wide of the mark, so to enlighten him , and let others know, I must inform him our new Agent General was authorized by Western Australian cockies to organize in every country he touched, one of those anti-sleep contests until a race became perfect and could do without sleep altogether. This becoming a fact, he had then to charter steamers and pack them out here as the right class of immigrants for WA. Compres [sic]
Our branch of the Oddfellows Lodge is still going strong and has done more than anything hitherto to strengthen the friendship and social standing of all. I consider every country place should endeavor to have a lodge of some sort. What is good for the country chap also applies to the bumpkin.
September 20th 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From an occasional Correspondent)
Geraldton Guardian
A most successful social and dance was held in the Tenindewa Hall on Saturday evening, September 8th, in aid of the hall and piano fund. As the night was rather chilly Mr. N. Rumble, M.C., kept the music going. Mrs. H. B. Peet presided at the piano in her usual efficient manner. During the evening songs were rendered by Miss Robertson and Messrs. Butler, Griffiths and Kember. A very dainty supper was provided, and a thoroughly enjoyably time was spent until the small hours. A freak ball, also a sports gathering, are to be held at later dates, to help along the above fund.
The new school at Bindu is completed; the school-mistress has arrived and teaching has begun in earnest. The school has provided a long-felt want for farmers children in the Bindu area.
The crops around here are looking a picture, and must gladden the hearts of the farmers. The beneficial rains during the week have considerably enhanced the outlook for the coming harvest.
Water provision and storage are now the next things that require attention, in readiness for the summer months.
October 24th 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
From brumby to motor car is a good stride. That’s the way we do it at Tenindewa. This is a very progressive place, and it getting up to date in farming methods, as no doubt benefitting from our agricultural expert on the Wimmera Methods. Mr. W. H. Stokes and Brenkley Bros, have both purchased tractors [one] a Fordson and the other a “Cletrac”. One has a motor car and rumor says the other is to get one. Both the tractor and the motor car are necessary to the farm, because people say, “time is money,” and this can be saved with a car, and it brings the farmer closer to the town, so that he can spend his money easier, or run up some “tick.” I always notice when the crops are good, as they are this year, a lot of things are up to be ordered, but somehow when the crop is garnered the things anticipated don’t pan out.
Most of the farmers are busy haymaking. One man told me he was cutting three tons to the acre—one of wheat and two of radish. Another is cutting 2 ton of real wheat.
The Bindu school is an accomplished fact and the kiddies are being educated in the way they should go. The school has been officially Christened and the floor danced upon by a good crown a couple of Saturday’s since.
The Wollya water appliances are still in the same old disgraceful state—mill out of order and only two old broken windlasses on the wells. Mr. Maley our member, should make a note before next summer comes–I mean, next election [comes].
We have lost our old friend, Mr. Carson, from the Road Board at Mullewa, and we wish him luck in his new position at Northam. Its a pity we could not loose the road Board now for all the use it is to our ward. The Roads are bad and nothing is done although we make repeated requests.
December 10th 1923
Tenindewa Notes (From our Correspondent)
Record crops are now being harvested around our district, and it is interesting and amusing to listen to the great yields gathered in. Devil’s Creek farmers are very jubilant this season. There is no-one out there with a bad crop. The rivalry amongst all while harvesting goes to show the enthusiasm, enterprise and interest each one has for his own little dig out “down on the farm.” It is nothing to hear the Meadowcroft boys are pulling off 80 bags a day [6.5 tonne]; J. J. Keeffe gathering in 30 bushel crop; Sid Eves cutting 2 ton of wheaten hay to the acre; while his oats are stripping 30 bushels; and that Horrie Peet is bagging 7 bags to the acre from a [crop that looks just a]15 bushel crop. But Walter Brenkley, of Bindu, knocks this silly, for with his 500 pound [$1000.00] tractor towing a reaper-thresher, he gobbles up 150 bags of wheat every day. [12.5 tonne] By jingo, that’s the stuff to give ’em eh.
The market for the sale of wheat reminds me of the days when I sold lead, the price fluctuating and see-sawing every week. No trouble to sell wheat this year, for every second person one meets now is either a buyer or an agent. Believe me, it is not safe to drive into any siding with a waggon [sic] load of wheat if you have young horses, yoked thereto, while buyers and agents are charging at you like a squad of Anzacs.
Mr. Editor please let me correct a statement I made in my last notes that Messes. R. Dunkin and G. Valentine were clients of the I.A.B. No, sir I am glad to say, these two energetic farmers never had the brand of failure as a cocky I.A.B. stamped on any part of their anatomy. Their banking accounts have swelled through their own solid hard toil and grit.
Concerts and socials are regularly held here, for we have not paid for our piano . Mr. Glen Maloney handled the last one, and showed a good profit. Mrs. Eves, as usual, helped all she could. Miss McGuinness from Devil’s Creek, and Mr. Frank Butler, Bindu, gave Mrs. Peet breathing time by helping her provide the music for the dancing.
The Devil’s Creek people, beside being good farmers, are champion sports, too. A couple of Sundays ago they organized a gigantic picnic, and held it at Seven Mile pool on the Stock Route. So, if you hear of rinderpest breaking out near there, or any drover losing half his mob, you can soon tumble why and where. Among the many gathered there I noticed Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, of the Mullewa pubbery. Mine host and his wife are very popular,. All sorts of aquatic sport were held in the pool. Three times around Mrs. Eves who stood in the middle of the pool constituted a mile, Mr. Clarrie Meadowcroft won the event from 14 others. The diving competition, owing to no prize being forthcoming, was about to be struck off the programme, when luckily, a young lady while convulsed with laughter, last her set of false teeth, heavily cased in gold. Mr. Peter Jefferson proved another Diver Hughes by recovering the lady’s food munchers. Too long to go through all the items, and when the lady before mentioned, who was standing in the pool, had an attack of cold shivers, and a buggy was hauled in to relive her, I left for Tenindewa, but without doubt it was a great picnic, and, as Mrs. J.J. Keeffe says, next time she will take care she does not walk four miles out of her course (don’t let anyone say she got bushed) and Mr. Charlie Meadowcroft is going to give a certain young lady swimming lessons. The next picnic will be “The One.”
Knowing there are a lot of 16th Battalion diggers in and around Geraldton and District, I feel sure they will smile when they read in the “Express” that I was at Mullewa on Monday week, when “Schnapper” O’Loughlin, Corporal of C. Company, got married. Game as ever, he never flinched right through the ceremony, and though afterwards the barrage of beer bottles skittled me. no ambulance had to be called for “Schnapper” for, after being attended to at his brothers dressing station, he left with his wife on their honeymoon to the east. Another raid for the 16th with objective taken.
When the Yuna Line goes through (about election time) don’t allow politicians to have all the hamper. Just hand out a sandwich to Harry Pass, for Sandow, with all his strength could not have endured what our good friend Harry went through getting the Advisory Board across county along the preposed new railway route. He spared neither time, money nor self, and, as Ned Kelly was never a better bushman, the driver of the first engine on this line need not fear that he will run over a precipice or into any sly-grog shanty, for Harry blazed the track.
January 3rd 1924
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
The harvesting of grain is almost completed [from the 1923 crop] around here, and the 30 bushel crops will average out about 12 bushels. [.8 tonne/hectare] When a man starts harvest he generally gets into the best stuff, and there was some good, and he generally “kids” himself that he is averaging 30 bushels [2 tonne/hectare]. Well its good to build castles in the air sometimes, as farming is generally a very dreary game. This year there was too much straw which reduced the yield.
The children had a splendid time just before Christmas. The teachers at the Tenindewa and Bindu combined for a Christmas tree and a jolly evening, and collected some 17 pounds [$34.00] Credit is due to all, and the children are the best collectors. Next day there were toys of all description in every house from Bindu to Tenindewa.
We have had a storm or two and they did a deal of damage. Messrs. Brenkley Bros. lost about 200 bags of wheat; Mr. Stafford lost some wheat and a 120 acres of oats. The hail covered the ground until it was quite white. Others has smaller losses.
A number of immigrants are working in this district and they are shaping very well and will be a big factor in the future. They stick to their work and their wages.
feed is plentiful, nearly as good as 1915, but sheep are too high [in price] for most farmers who are I.A.B. clients and fear to go into cattle owing to the rinderpest scare.
January 16th 1924
Tenindewa Notes (By “Jingy Man”)
Geraldton Express
Harvesting is over, and wheat carting is nearly completed. It has nearly all been trucked [railed] and only a small stacked had to be built, and this had to be done owing to the demand for [rail] trucks, as, more or less every siding in the wheat area had more bags brought to it than was anticipated. Mr. Hollings, who is the wheat agent here, had a rather busy time during the last few weeks, and most of the work came in the hot weather, the heat being anything from 110 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. [44 to 50 degrees Celsius] So, no doubt , he, like many others, will appreciate the cool change which came in on Sunday, and it is to be hoped that the weather clerk will remain with us for some time.
Xmas and the New Year were spent on the quite side, most people being away for the holidays. Well I should say everyone but poor cocky. He is always home with nose to the grindstone.
Mrs. Sydney Eves opened up the social life for the new season with a fancy dress ball, which was held on January the 5th. Quite a number turned up in fancy costume. The prize winners were Miss. Eileen. Palmer, Miss Ida Eves, and Master B. Martin. Taking one thing with another, everyone had an enjoyable time. As regards the nett proceeds, it was the largest sum made for some time.
On Saturday January the 12th there was another enjoyable time spent, the same being a farewell social to Mr. F. J. Cox who is leaving shortly. In spite of the hot night, a nice little number came along, including a few visitors Mullewa, who helped to make the evening all the better. Mr. Fry and Miss McCann obliged the company with a few songs. Miss W. McCann gave a nice, step-dance, and to finish came a recitation from Mr. B. Martin. On account of Mr. Cox being in indifferent health, he was unable to attend. So there was neither a presentation made nor toasts honored, but we wish him the best of luck and success wherever he may be.
February 20th 1924
Country Cricket
Tenindewa Vs Bindu
(by “Jingy Man”)
The following are the details of a match, which was played on the Tenindewa Recreation Ground last Sunday between teams representing Tenindewa and Bindu cricket teams, [North Tenindewa]in which the latter was defeated rather easily. The top score for Tenindewa was 57, and out of the 57 runs made there were thirteen fours [ie 52] hit. The next highest was 42, and this included six fours and 2 sixes [ie 36]. So one can see the Bindu players had some leather chasing to do. The 200 made by Tenindewa were hit up by nine batsmen.
Shade retired 25
A Rumble retired 57
Stokes b Hawes 29
Oldham retired 42
Whitely c Rule b Brenkley 5
Willis c and b Brenkley 7
F Butler c Hawkins b Hawes 1
Eves b Brenkley 0
A Butler not out 15
James c Hawkins b Hawes 14
Sundries 5
Total 200
Brodrick b Butler 3
Brenkley lbw b Oldham 5
Hawes c Rumble b Whitely 0
F Rule c and b Butler 4
Hawkins b Oldham 11
Kilgallon b Whitley 4
Thurn not out 4
W Rule b Rumble 0
Griffiths c and b Rumble 1
M Kilgallon b Rumble 1
Benoit b Oldham 1
Sundries 4
Total 38
May 15th 1924
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
All the “backbone of the country” are busy as possible, putting in more crop. It’s a lovely gamble. They till the ground, scatter the good seed and pay for the fertilizer, and perhaps to not get enough to pay costs. They may get a good crop and thus receive encouragement to have another try. The dry weather is alright for the fallow, but the other ground is most hard to work. Dad is promising a lot from this next crop. Stock are all in good condition and feed is plentiful as there is very little stock in the district to eat it. Most of the farmers sold their sheep to the ring who have scooped so much this year with the “woolies”.
Today is election day (Upper House). Who will win? I tip “Old Joe”. Anyhow he deserves it. It’s a pity two such good men should be opponents. They both deserve a seat in the Council of the State. However, one has to stand down, so I suggest if Joe goes out that he runs Johnnie’s paper while Johnnie attend parliament.
The young men around here have have the boxing crase and a number of would be champions
are spoiling for a fight.
Great dissatisfaction is expressed amongst the I.A.B. settlers [and] at the Mitchell Government for the way they have starved the off their holdings. A few around here have notice sell by June, or foreclose, and some of them are better off than for years, with a good chance of rise. Fancy struggling for fourteen years against drought, war, and high prizes and then being knocked off………….
June 17th 1924
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Most of our cockies’ faces are beaming with smiles owing to the top notch rains. Crops are up and look well but a few cockies are not smiling; they are the ones on the I.A.B., who are men in jail waiting to be hanged– they are waiting for the Labour Government to give them their notice to quit their farms, but the Government is playing a rotton hand. They induce the farmers to put their crops in, saying they would inspect in June, and now the crops are in they are offered the high price of one shilling, one and half pence [11 and 1/2 cents] per acre to fallow. Why not give the decision at once instead of this hang-dog policy?
How’s the dairying, Mr. Editor ? Some here would like to know. I don’t know much about it; what I do not know would fill a big book, and what I do know would not take many lines, so I’m going to give it to your readers. If all others did the same, it might help a bit during the hot weather and reduce the amount of second quality cream.
First of all get some good cows. Separate the cream with a good separator, suction feed preferred. Keep the machine thoroughly washed in hot water (use soda occasionally) after using it and dry it thoroughly. Put the cream in a cooler (Coolgardie Cooler I mean) so as to cool quickly. Never mix the warm cream with the cool cream of the previous day, until it is thoroughly cool. Stir the cream three times daily from the bottom of the can upwards. This is to ripen it evenly and to keep the thick part from forming on top. Keep it always in the cooler with the top of the can ventilated.
When taking cream to the railway, stand cream on a folded wet bag; have another wet bag on top, and secure it firmly to the cart to minimize shacking. If you do this you can land cream of first grade at the factory, even from this distance after keeping it for a week.
August 1st 1924
“Periscopics” (Geraldton Express)
From Tenindewa
Interestingly this is another random pseudo-name used by a scribe from Tenindewa to the Express and included in the verbiage is some vague coded hints on other Correspondents identities?.
We are experiencing, writes our Tenindewa correspondent, like elsewhere the best down-pour of rains this season, and so much good they have done that every farmer who has sowed grain must get a good crop.
I remind readers of the “Express’ [who] must be getting tired of always reading that Mr. Never-idle [sic] has splendid crops and that his fowls, though strained to pieces are still laden with hen fruit, therefore i will cut such a topic out.
Mr. Editor as we have not seen any SOS smoke signals of distress from our old scribe “Jingo” we were wondering whether, like that other chap whose name was something like “Aint’ I a boom” who though being speared through every part of his anatomy by blacks and every hair of his head pulled out by following emus, still trudged on with only 3000 miles to finish his job.
Oddfellow’s Ball
Oddfellows here are giving a great ball tomorrow night and once again our never tiring lady organizer Mrs. Sid Eves will handle the function. This alone will ensure a successful night.
Miss Palmer Transferred
I am very sorry to inform you that our young and charming post mistress is off to “Baltimore” as our local store and Post Office has changed hands. I am sure I voice the opinion of all Tenindewa when I say Miss E. Palmer was an ideal post mistress and a very popular lady.
I.A.B. Poultry King
Our old friend H.J.Stafford the I.A.B. King has just imported two pens of prize poultry , White Leghorns and Black Orpingtons from Melbourne, the very best of stuff. This side line will come in very handy should he ever fall from his throne. Perhaps he is getting in early.
Where is Pat Stone
By the way Mr. Editor we used to read a lot about a butter factory, habour works, Midland line purchase, and separation [sic] in your paper, but never a line nowadays. What’s wrong. Is Pat Stone dead, money all spent on banquets and by last Government , and all our agitators for separation now in Parliament. I wish I were one of them.
Football Activities
Two teams of footballers here, Mullewa and Devis Creek, wage war against one another for premiership honours every Sunday. Both are now even on points but I think Mullewa must eventually win –too much money. They have the Agricultural Bank behind them, as Inspector Yelverton plays in their team.
We have had lately travelling our district, per motor car, Mr. Cottom, traveller for the State Implement Works. He is out on his own as a seller. He convinced one farmer that the binder he was agent for could be adjusted that, while resting on a Sunday, the farmer could cut the kiddies hair. Of course, “stand them in a line”, he said. To show you the stability of our harvesters, he told another cocky that while being used up at Doodlakine there happened to be in a crop 10 chains of loose barbed wire. Before the driver could pull up, the machine gobbled it up with the grain, and passed it right through, not hurting the machine an iota, but stripping every barb from the wire. He is doing well in the district as a traveller.
Our Roads
We are going to have our roads done up around here, and as gravel is conspicuous by its absence, the contactor is authorized to use clay . It will hold you better, give you more time should you be coming our way on a rainy day to have a good look at where you are, for clay is better than good friends, holds you closer as it were, so to speak.
Down Hearted
All the Bindu farmers are down hearted, as Ben has gone and sold his stud bull. No more poddies on the cheap for us, but dear sausages for Mullewa
August 21st 1924
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Travelers through this part say our crops are looking better than in any other district. This maybe true because they look splendid; never better for years; and if the price soars as is expected, the Cocky will reap some reward; but all those who have a pick at it will see it is not too much. We sold our wheat cheaply last year, still it costs “eight and one half penny” ($0.85) to land a loaf of bread at Tenindewa from Geraldton, and this scribe is going to start baking his own.
Feed and water are plentiful and stock scarce.
Regular dances are held in Tenindewa hall every Saturday night, and are appreciated by the young folk and a few old ones too. The funds are so raised to go to the hall piano.
Another car for here. Mr Nat Rumble has just purchased a new car. His smile is generally broad, but now it is extended. I wish him all sorts of luck. Others are talking about ordering cars, and no farm should be without. A good car and a listening- in set would make life a lot easier in the bush, especially so, if there are not too many lectures on wheat growing and such matters. Cocky gets enough of it without the easy-chair men drilling more into him.
When oh when is that butter factory going to start. It is like most things in Geraldton—goes for a while and then fizzes out. Why not auction it and give a private a chance? Its been a dismal failure so far.
A number of I.A.B. farmers have received notice to sell out, or be kicked out. This is a good thing for many, as it will give them a clean sheet to start again. And with the experience gained in dealing with the I.A.B. they would not be likely to accept aid from that quarter again. I suppose the next big clean up will be amongst the South West group settlements; and the I.A.B. won’t be in it.
Fancy trying to make money in W.A. growing produce; its the hardest work to sell good butter at one and sixpence/pound ($0.33/ kg) less freight; and there is always so much to be said about stopping the Eastern States from exploiting WA. Get some population and then it may pay to provide butter, vegetables, etc.
September 18th 1924
Geraldton Guardian
Mullewa News (From our own Correspondent)
An enjoyable social and dance was held on Saturday night under the auspices of the Oddfellows’ Lodge. Rummy and bridge, for the non dancers, were held on stage. These card tournaments were a great draw, and brought many along, especially the older folk, who are a bit too stiff in the joints to dance. The committee of the lodge tried it as an experiment, and the results were gratifying. In the rummy competition, little Diana Underwood won easily. The prize (one pound)[$2.00] was donated by Mr. Geo. Valentine, of Tenindewa. The competition among the bridge players was keen. The winning couple was Mrs. J.T. Harley and Mr. P.F. Rooke. These prizes were donated by Dr. Hobbs, and Mrs. Wood of the Railway Hotel. Mr. R Frayne looked after the card arrangements, and Mr. C. Radford made an excellent M.C. for the dancing. Miss F. Haley presided at the piano. The supper was in the hands of Mesdames Haslem, underwood and Radford. On the 27th inst., a welcome-home will be tendered to Mrs. R. Franyne, on return from his honeymoon; he was married at Yalgoo during last week to Miss Thelma Haselden.
At the Church of England bazaar held recently, the Ugly Man competition was not finalized on that occasion, but was concluded on Thursday evening, when a concert was held in conjunction. An enjoyable evening was held, the receipts exceeding expectations. The Ugly man competition was won by Mr. T. Molster, with Mr. Yelverton and good second. A musical programme was gone through and was thoroughly enjoyed by a large crowd. Special mention must be made of the items rendered by the State school children, which reflected credit on the schoolmaster, Mr. A. Hopkins, and his assistant, Miss McLean. It showed the youngsters hade been carefully trained. More performances by the children in the future would be appreciated by the parents, as we do not hear enough of our children in concert performances. The following contributed to the programme;–Pianoforte duet, “Signal from Mars” Messes. Haley and O’Conner; selections from “The White Garland” by the State school children and leading parts being: “Queen” Thelma Young; “Punctuality” Alice Isbel; “Perseverance” Louse Haslem; and “Tardy Scholar” Keith Styants. A second item by the scholars was ” I Passed By Your Window” –a very pleasing item. Miss A. Donegan presided at he piano in the school items. A recitation by Louse Haslem, “A Deed of Horror” was encored and she gave “Just as Mother Used To”; duet, “Look for the Silver Lining” by Agnus Webb and Thelma Young; dialogue, “The Fortune Teller” by Daisy Axford and Alice Isbel; and song by Mr. P.F Rooke, entitled “Old Pal.” At the conclusion of the concert the competition voting was concluded, and the evening closed with a dance. Supper was provided by the ladies of the church. The whole effort including the bazaar, will nett close to one hundred pounds [$200.00] The rector thanked all those who had worked so hard in making the fiscal results so satisfactory, especially the ladies who had sacrificed a lot of time and effort,
Some girls paint for a hobby; other for a hubby.
November 11th 1924
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
A successful dance was held in the Tenindewa Hall on Saturday evening last. Visitors from Mullewa, Ardingly, Bindu, and Indarra motored over and an enjoyable time was spent. The balloon waltz caused much fun and excitement, the winning couple being, Mr. W Keeffe and Miss Rita O’Connor. Dancing went with a decided swing to music supplied by our Ardingly musician (Mrs. Peet) and the Misses R O’Connor and Kidd. Mr. W Keeffe acted as M.C. After supper music was continued, and it was an early hour before the party broke up. Great credit to Mrs. Eves and committee for the arrangements.
The rector of Merredin (Rev H. R. Hobbs) formally rector of the Parish of Mullewa, has been under the care of Dr. Shelmadine for some weeks. His many friends will be pleased to hear he is about again.
December 9th 1924
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
All are very busy taking off the harvest and good yields are being bagged, some up to 30 bushels per acre. [2 tonne/hectare]. The general averages will be better than for a long while.
The siding now presents a busy scene, teams arriving regularly with the rich grain, and the men handling it find the weight of the bags sound enough. It is anticipated that 15,000 or 16,000 bags 1160 ton] will be loaded at Tenindewa.
Thousands of sheep (poverty stricken) from the Murchison are being landed in this district, and the farmers are making only a nominal charge for [adgisting] them. It is a pity the Murchison people did not think of this idea earlier, as some of the sheep arrived here in very low condition, and hundreds died in the trucks. They are improving visibly in this well-grassed country.
Christmas is near and our Bindu teacher is busy collecting for the Christmas tree. May they do well and enjoy it to the full.
There is still the fighting element around here; and some think of championships. A recent “scrap” at Bindu was worth seeing, and was properly referred by a fighter from the Old Country. Honors in the bout were about even, and the gladiators finished good friends. It was a water fight, no beer being on tap.