January 7th, 1925
Doings at Tenindewa
(From our Correspondent)
Here’s wealth and success
To the staff of the “Express”
With a prosperous and happy New Year
And when I come down
To Geraldton town
I’ll drink your good health in Globe Beer
Christmas time here was really worth stopping home for. The usual Christmas tree for the children was held at the Bindu School and proved a gigantic success. Toys in galore for the young folk, besides soft drinks cakes etc., while the elders enjoyed themselves dancing and listening to singing, recitations and stump [sic] speeches. Mr. Billy Griffiths made an ideal Santa Claus, and with mohair whiskers from Mr. C. B. Palmer’s Angora goats, looking just it. At the interval Mr. Benoit made a brief neat speech, eulogizing [sic] Miss. M. Jefferson, the lady teacher of the Bindu School, for the advancement she had made towards the education of our children. Great credit must be given to this young lady for the energetic manner in which she single-handed arranged and collected for the Christmas tree. Let me here thank all those kind friends who so generously subscribed to make this function the success it was. To Mr. Frank Butler and Sandy Boylan, we will always be indebted for providing the music.
Naturally, I suppose there was some critics, but as we all know they who criticize give the least, and the biggest critic is the most unsuccessful, we leave them to themselves.
Very dry weather lately, and as our water supply does not look like lasting too long, I should like to point out to the Minister for Agriculture that those ornamental tanks would look a lot better filled with water, for what unearthly use are they stuck all along the railway empty? Surely they are not to be used as camp ovens. We cockies would only be too pleased to help to keep the tanks from running over, and the water from stagnation. So, fill em up Mr. Troy.
Mr. Brenkley, with his sister Miss Alice Brenkley, whilst walking to look at a dingo trap, were singing, “If we catch a fox, we’ll put him in a box and a hunting we will go,” and sure enough in the dingo trap was a fox. So, off with him to Mullewa went Walter. Result 2 pounds [$4.00] for Jack the Fox.
I have had a message from Mars. [sic]
My old friend Clement Wragge, broadcasted down to me to tell the cockies to work double shifts to secure their harvests, for as sure as H- is a man trap, a thunderstorm will be sent to tickle them up soon.
Whilst discussing the merits of the Ford car, which often careers around here with 4 gates hanging on the front, and more of less of ten chain [200 metres] of a six wire fence trailing behind, someone remarked “What a pity the owner is not like the maker, Henry Ford, a teetotaller.” Another chap interjected, and said : “Ford may be a teetotaller, but on his Ford cars is the best invention I have ever seen for opening beer bottles. Just watch this driver open a bottle without leaving his seat.” We did too, and that was our share of it—-watching him drink it.
Photo possibly taken before Walter left for Australia.
March 4th 1925
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Geraldton Guardian
All the farmers around here have finished their harvest, and in almost all cases it has been a bounteous one, and things generally are likely to be brisk. Plenty of money in the pocket makes things hum, motor cars and tractors are things spoken of lightly now, as if the cast was nothing. Well, more power to them.
The drought has defiantly broken and the sheep and other stock are being moved back rapidly to the Murchison, and they do not look any the worst for their sojourn in these parts. The squatters looked a bit droopy like their sheep, a while back, but I guess this rain has put the stiffening in their backs again.
A splendid rain fell here last evening all round, and we must have had at least two inch’s. [50 mm] There is water lying everywhere this morning. Frogs are calling out and all the bush life is lively and brisk. Fallow paddocks have been beaten down flat, so there will be many teams in a few days digging it up again. I tip a good growing year and some red rust in the district, especially near the coast, as the season is very like 1915.
A lot of wheat for the past season was carted by motor-lorry and it is much easier, quicker and more time saving than the old style of wagon and team. Several settlers are talking of buying motor lorries for next harvest, good old farmer, he is always on the buy.
The Tenindewa State School is still closed, although the population is increasing.
Note; Checking the BOM’s Data and Graphs site for that site for that date (08128) Tenindewa’s recording site up until 1985 it shows Tenindewa at 46 mm so the reporter might have lived very close by?
April 20th 1925
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Tractors are becoming all the go here, the latest farmers to acquire are Messrs. Butler Bros. and Mr. J Smith, and I understand they are so far pleased with them.
Seeding has commenced and a few well advanced, and that on well worked fallow is already showing above the ground.
Stock are looking well and there is plenty of feed on most farms.
Miss Alice Brinkley met with an accident to-day. Thee horse she was driving ran the sulky against a tree and capsized her out, bruising her a good deal. Still, she pluckily proceeded on her business, and then drove home 9 miles. It is hoped she will soon be all right again
Geraldton Guardian
28 April 1925, page
(From Our Own Correspondent)
Tractors are becoming all the go here, the latest farmers to acquire are Messrs. Butler Bros, and Mr. J. Smith, and I understand they are so far pleased with them. Seeding has commenced and a few are well advanced and that on well worked fallow crop is already showing above ground. Stock are looking well and there is plenty of feed and water on most farms. Miss Alice Brinkley met with an accident today. The horse she was driving ran the sulky against a tree and capsized her out, bruising her a good deal. Still, she pluckily proceeded on her business, and then drove home nine miles. It is hoped she will soon be all right again.
An Ingenious Fly ‘Net.’— A few days ago I saw an old prospector with his face close over a dish ‘panning off,’ whilst flies buzzed around his head as thick as a swarm of bees. For protection from their pestering attention, he wore a rather bulky mask made from a piece of battery screen around the edge of which was attached a selvedge of burnt-out fuse. The fuse, being soft, prevented friction, and also could be bent to fit close to the face around the eyes and nose. The mask was held in position by strings tied behind the head. He said he had tried fly nets, dangling corks, and oil circles around his eyes, but these were almost useless. The mask should find a place in a museum— as a curio. — (Clay Pan Joe in ‘Murchison Times.’)
June 11th 1925
Tenindewa Notes, No correspondent mentioned but the style suggests (From Our Own Correspondent)
A euchre party and dance was held in the Tenindewa Hall on, Saturday night which was well attended and an enjoyable time spent. Vocal items were contributed by Messrs. Griffith and Allanson; the music being supplies by Miss M. McGuinness and Miss M. Silverloch. Mr. N. Rumble was the capable M.C. After supper a presentation was made to Mr. Horace Peet of a traveling case from the residents of the district, on his approaching marriage. Mr. Peet suitably thanked them for their kind gift. After the singing “For They Are Jolly Good Fellows” dancing was resumed and continued until a late hour.
Two fine Government houses are in the course of construction here and will be completed shortly. Mr. Jermy, the contactor is to be complimented–his work is always so thorough. It is also reported that a new hall, twice the size of the present one will be built at a latter date when funds permit.
Farmers are busy seeding. Some have finished, and the recent rains have livened things up generally. In my opinion, some of the forest land in the State lies south west of Mullewa; and I have travelled East and most part West. There is a magnificent belt from here right around to Ardingly.
The roadway opposite the hall and siding is a state of disrepair and resembles a miniature lake, much to the discomfort of passengers and visitors. The Mullewa Road Board should give this attention. The curse of centralization is preached from platform and press throughout our State; so it is well to consider the needs of the outback farming community, who’s lives are anything but bright and the only way in which life can be made more tolerable is the holding of social gatherings in their local Hall, even these little breaks relieve the monotony of things.
July 17th 1925
Tenindewa Notes (By our Representative)
Geraldton Express
Again we have the prospects of a good season, thanks to steady downpours of rain; so far everything in the garden looks lovely. For the best looking crops in the district I must award the credit to our old and esteemed friend, H. J. Stafford. Although Mr. Stafford has most of his crops on fallow land, I wonder what experts would say when the gaze upon 70 acres [24 hectares] of splendid crop, to be told that this crop was drilled in first, then disced over–that being the complete working of it. Out on its own as a crop; fallow miles behind so far. No chance of catching up as long as the Lord showers a drop down now and again.
Mr. Editor, though I am too anxious to boom our district as a wheat producer, let me say there is another place where wheat can be grown and that is Eradu. I had occasion to visit there last Sunday, and was surprised to find such fine land. Mr. C Drew, who entertained me for a couple of days, jokingly said that the Minister for Agriculture thought the only place for red clay was at his farm–Indarra. “What do you think of that for clay” (showing me to a depth of 12 feet) [4 metres] “Clay” he said . “After I have set the lads up cockying I’m going to start a brick kiln here, supplying Mt. Magnet and all the Murchison. Can we grow wheat? Jack Kidd got a thousand bags from 100 acres [2 tonne per hectare] last year, and if I get a bigger crop of hay than last year I will have to burn it off as the binder could never be forced through it.” I quickly turned the conversation to double-gees as I saw he had his share; but he beat me again. “Those double-gees I am going to pick, then boil and make double-gee tea, a sure cure for rheumatism” I had not time that trip to inspect Messrs. Kidd’s and Blaney’s properties; but if they are, as Mr. Drew says, every bit and even better than his, well they are some class.
Dingoes and foxes are around our way. Bert Ahern, besides catching another fox, saw three dingoes. Archie Benoit and Walter Brinkley [sic] have caught foxes. They are going to be troublesome this lambing season, sure enough. Off to Mullewa this weekend Mr. Editor, you had better get into your motor car and bring all your stuff up too. In aid of the Mullewa Hospital Messrs. Radford and Gravestock are running a boxing tournament; plenty of fights; plenty of fighters; dinkum bruisers; heavyweights, lightweights and shortweights. If you love blood come up, this is a bonzer start for a hospital; somebody is sure to be killed or maimed for life, and only 2/6 to see them. [25 cents]
September 19th 1925
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
The crops around Tenindewa are looking very good. Mr. Jim Bedford and Mr. A. S. Benoit have some remarkably fine crops and should yield well.
The public Works road gang are making progress with the road from the siding to Bindu. It is practically the first money to be spent on this road in 15 years. This is a Federal Grant too.
Old Mr. Palmer has been very ill in Matron Rose’s hospital at Mullewa. Under her able care he is recovering again.
Several farms around here are changing hands, and Tenindewa is near the coast and has a good rainfall no doubt; others will settle around. This district is hard to beat and would be very prosperous if the I.A.B. had been wound up years ago, as it should have been.
The young people don’t dance much lately. I wonder if it is that tired feeling. Tenindewa is a very favored place and the people are good, though no person comes here.
The State school is still closed, all because the Government will not build a teachers quarters. People with families are leaving.
The Railway Department should put goods and parcels under shelter, instead of leaving them exposed on the platform. A quantity was damaged by the recent rains. There is no claim, even for this gross carelessness.
Mr. H Johnson’s little daughter has been removed to the Children’s Hospital, Perth, where I understand there is a likelihood of her getting well again. It is to be hoped soon; she has been ill for months.
[Harry Johnson was a farmer east of Bindu school in the 1930s]
November 21st 1925
Ardingly Notes (From our own Correspondent)
[In the latter years (ie approaching 1930) Leo seemed to broadening his news base with the likes of Mullewa and Ardingly becoming part of his reports.]
The fine crops about here are evidence that the weather has just suited the Mullewa district. At the critical period in August we received beneficial rains, over one and half inches being recorded [40 mm], while very light rains fell over the southern wheat division. The season has been most favorable in the northern division of the wheat-belt, as in that portion an increase on the past year of 339,856 bushels is anticipated. Yalgoo is reported as having 32,000 acres under wheat for an estimated production 407,000 bushels. It is time the name was altered to Mullewa, as Yalgoo is not a wheat growing centre being purely mining and pastoral. Mullewa is always omitted in the official forecast. Hay-cutting is finished and some excellent yields have been obtained. Harvesting is in full swing, but the cloudy blustery weather experienced during the last few days has hindered harvest somewhat. Most of the wheat will be conveyed to the siding per medium of motor trucks this season. Messrs. Fitzgerald’s trucks are already running to and fro. Tractors are also in evidence on the various farms. Messrs. Cowper, Thomas and Peet getting good results from theirs.
Some fine yields up to 27 bushels per acre [1.75 tonne per hectare] but the general average will be from 12 to 15 bushels per acre.
Messrs. O’Brien, Cowper, Keeffe, McGuinness, Meadowcroft, Warren, Thomas and Peet and also the Menang settlers are the most progressive here.
The St. Andrews Anglican bazaar held recently in Mullewa was a great success. Mr. Purdy, who is in charge , has achieved wonders during the short time he has been here, and is very well liked. The stalls, tastefully decorated and stocked, reflected great credit on the members of the Ladies Guild and their willing helpers. The popular girl and boy competition brought in a good figure, the total profits from the bazaar being 197 pounds [$394.00] Mr. Webb, merits special thanks for his excellent services in the cause of the church. He is an all-round sport, and deservedly popular. The support also received from Pindar, Ardingly and Tenindewa residents was most gratifying.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe O’Brien are very pleased with the arrival of a little daughter recently. This makes the “pigeon pair”
A fresh water tank should be installed at Ardingly siding similar to that at Tenindewa, to meet the needs of the settlers during the summer months. The water supply department makes a charge of one shilling and sixpence per 100 gallons, I believe. [15 cents per 450 litres]
November 24th 1925
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
All the farmers are busy stripping the “staff of life” and crops are yielding up to as high as 36 bushels per acre (2.42 tonnes per hectare) —–so some of them say. Anyway it will be better to believe their railway tally later on, as cocky is like the man who fishes and the man that kills snakes. Still I know the crops are good and the price is nearly high enough to be payable.
Apparently the railway arrangements for lifting wheat are going to be inadequate, as no trucks were supplied during the last week and stacks are accumulating. This means double handling and there is only one who pays for this and that is the farmer. Old Ben (perhaps Benoît) has the biggest crop, and it is going 36 bushels. Tenindewa is becoming noted for its good crops.
Motor lorries are moving in all directions and the wheat is being expeditiously brought to the sidings, so carting will not be the long, drawn out job of former years. I do not know of any farmer that is carting in the old style.
The road grant was only partly spent when the gang received word to close down at a moment’s notice, hence the work done is of a patchy nature.
Mr. Palmer is still in Perth hospital but I understand is improving.
December 4th, 1925
Tenindewa Notes
(By our Representative)
Geraldton Express
Talk about a busy place; one false step, and you would be run over by a motor truck, as there are more motor trucks here carting wheat than there are stickfast fleas in Geraldton. The have been some heavy yields here , but the best I have heard of is claimed by our old friend, Mr. Archie Benoit. Ben will swear to a judge and jury that he stripped from his “Nabewa” wheat 13 bags to the acre. [2.5 tonne per hectare]
Apart from this exceptional yield, all around were stripping great crops until Sunday , the day of rest, came. Then the biggest disturbance that ever occurred in the air had it out. Crops were blown like safety matches and strewn about, while the air for an hour was red dust. Blow! Did it what? I sent, per medium of the gale, a sheet of iron from my kitchen roof to Meekatharra, 300 miles [500 kilometres] in two minutes, and though they were on for thirty years it blew the shingles from on my wife’s head, and they were tacked on strong enough.
Though the railways have allotted space to stack wheat at Tenindewa, unless they keep trucks well supplied to shift some at harvest, they will find the space inadequate, as there is going to be an enormous quantity of wheat here.
The most sort after and discussed person here is Mr. C W. Chapman, the Water king. No crank diviner, but the real thing for finding good water. He found at Mr. Jim Bedford’s farm at Bindu, good water at a depth of 37 feet [12 metres] and with such a supply that that the Minister for Agriculture [i.e. Michael Francis Troy of Indarra] offered him a bonus of 50 pounds [$100.00] to locate something similar for him, mentioning at the time that though he had many other water experts on his farm, the best [water] he got was the Indian Ocean. Mr. Chapman got onto Mr. Troy’s fresh water, an unlimited supply at 35 feet [11.5 metres] and he is now sinking the well. Mr. Chapman has about a score [20] other farmers to go to. He maintains that where there is a salt water there is fresh [water] and he will find it. No water no money.
The Children’s Annual Xmas Tree will be held on the 19th inst. [sic], and as Mrs. Leslie, the teacher of the Bindu school says she is going to make this shivoo the daddy of all previous ones. There will be hot times in Bindu that night.
Note; As we continue to try to fathom the identity of the person or persons contributing these articles this scribe by name is a little from left field. “By our Representative” is a one-off in that regard but what we do know about him reading from the above is, he lived locally, and he had a wife of over 30 years in 1925. We know Leo Critch’s wife, May was born in 1889 and thus 28 years of age at the time, therefore unless it (“and though they have been on for over thirty years it blew the shingles from my wife’s head”) was an uncalculated throwaway line it was not Leo writing this particular article under another pseudonym? The article above this one by “Our own Correspondent” in November 1925) also puts that in doubt.
December 12th 1925
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
Harvesting is going on apace [sic] and the carting off the farm is all being done by motor power, and so the poor overworked gee-gee is having a spell from that hard dragging job. Still plenty of people (especially the breeders) that motor power is not here to stay and that the horse, will come into its own again. If this is so, why are they shooting horses by the thousand in South Australia? Even around this little place horses are cut out of all road work and a great deal of farm work. One farmer, Mr. W.H. Stokes, has all motor power and not a horse on the farm, he is right up to date.
Thirty-six bushels to the acre [2.4 tonne/hectare] is the highest yield I have heard of from Yandilla King, grown by Mr. A. E. Benoit of Sleepy Hollow, and 30 bushels crops are common—and so are 12 bushel crops.
The weather is very stormy and last Sunday week a real blow came along and destroyed a lot of wheat crops, which were stripping eight bags to the acre [1.4 tonne per hectare] diminished the yield of five bags per acre. [one tonne per hectare] Wheat farming is a lovable gamble. This reminds me the insurance companies will insure a crop against fire or hail, but if wind or rain comes along and flattens it out, nothing is paid. Why don’t they give a general policy against damage? ‘Roos, emus and rabbits damage a lot, but a man can prevent that to some extent
This siding will have between 30,000 and 40,000 bags of wheat this year—a record. There are a lot of motor cars and tractors to come from this harvest, and the kids should have a good time at Xmas.
Mr. Palmer, Sen. has returned to Tenindewa and is much better, but still far from old self. We hope that he will soon be hitting the pace again.
Mr. Stafford, Sen. was nearly burned out a few days since. Some lorrymen [sic] camped near his crop, had a fire in the open, and a willy [willy] caught it and spread it in no time, burning their camp and about 40 pounds [$80.00] worth of truck parts and kit.
The Bindu school is soon to break up for holidays, and a splendid Christmas tree and good time have been arranged for the nippers. May they all enjoy it.
Wheat growers around here fell in badly this season in selling too early. Wheat was sold from four shillings and ten pence to five shillings and two pence and now it is six shillings and one pence, a good argument for the pool.
January 5th 1926
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
As I write there is a big storm all around, north and east. The clouds are as black as ink, the lightening is vivid and thunder rolls like heavy artillery. The wind is blowing some and rain falls heavy, so some of those who have not [got] their crops off will suffer loss.
Christmas day was not kind to the farmer around here, as a very heavy storm occurred with much hail, and Messes Bedford, Brinkley [sic] and others out Bindu way suffered loss. A few have finished gathering the golden harvest, but many have a few days work still.
Mr. C. B. Palmer has sold his farm and gone East to start a goat farm. He is a great believer in their value. Messes Kemp Bros. the new owners are to take possession this week and I wish them well.
Tenindewa is supposed to be the Waterloo of all water diviners, and they have failed badly, but now we have a new man amongst us (Mr. C. W. Chapman); he does not divine water but finds it, and he is a pretty good geologist. he found an abundant supply of fresh water for Mr. M. F. Troy and since then has found a good supply of over 2000 gallons ( liters) a day for Mr. Jas. Bedford. Finding water will make a vast difference in this district, and large numbers of stock will now be kept. Mr. Chapman has many engagements to fulfil with settlers around and in adjacent districts.
Another returned soldier has made good in Mr. Jim Bedford, who has over 2000 bags of wheat this year and has cleared 500 acres since going into the virgin bush in 1921. He is a great worker, and has a very fine property, and now it is well watered.
[Jim Bedford farmed at Bindu in the 1920’s and 30’s]
Messes G Valentine and Mr. R Dunkin are treating themselves to new motor cars, the former an Oakland and the latter a Willys-Knight, and others are to follow suit.
Mr. R. Oldham harvested over 3000 bags (250 tonne) of wheat this year and I think a record for the district.
[Oldham and Tulluck farmed from just west of Tenindewa right through to Indarra from the year 1910. Oldham stayed on until 1950 and sold to Kevin Critch]
May 5th, 1926
Geraldton Express
Tenindewa Notes
(From Our Correspondent)
Swearing at the horses or cranking up the tractors is the occupation of all us cockies–ripping tearing cursing swearing if there is any stoppage from sowing this year’s crop. The majority are sensible, and this year are using the cultivator drill. This instrument to my mind, is the most useful ever made. It suits the energetic farmer and the drone also; the former for the simplest reason there is nothing to stop it from working, neither rain hail or sunshine. [a cute bit of humour here as the machine would most likely have been made by “The Sunshine Harvester Co.“] The latter chap only has to clear the land, yoke up the cultivator drill, and his crop is in. The season here has started splendidly; two inches (50mm) in April is a good kick off, and if only it keeps going as well as it started, I won’t care whether the Aussie cricketers bring the Ashes back or leave them in England.
I have read where my old friend H.J. Stafford, has been standing on his hind legs, pelting bombs at the I.A.B. and the Labour Government., but up to date I have not heard of any reports or explosions; for, worse luck, my friend was too impulsive and forgot to pull the pins out before aiming, if I were he, I should keep well down in my dugout for back those bombs will come properly discharged. HJS wants to ask some Digger about the Chinamen over in Belgium and how they fared when they threw bombs at German prisoners, forgetting to pull the pins, and how Fritz returned them. “Lord Save us,” cried Mrs. Davis “before you enlist any Jack Robinson Chinamen were transformed into aeroplanes, for they were vol-planing [sic] and nose-diving all-over Belgium.
I don’t know what the cause of the Government gangs was leaving our road job unfinished. Just at the time that Walsh had to beheaded or deported they threw down tools and off. They might have seen H.J.S. manufacturing high explosives. Anyhow, they have left the roads in a disgraceful state. Some of the so- called gravel could easily have been used for habour works for the United Party.
I am sorry to say we are slipping back at Tenindewa. We did have a Hall and a Piano, though when any function was held in the Hall only the ladies could get in, the men looking in the windows or walking up and down outside to keep warm. But bless you the hall is sold now. Don’t know how we will get on when we intent to celebrate Pat Stone’s maritorous [sic] victory. We will have to gather round the piano somewhere.
Talking about elections, did you want to know we were voting?
Right oh! I’ll tell you:
With cart or train or motor bus,
We’re helping him as he helped us,
That’s why all Tenindewa,
Is voting ONE for Thomas Moore.
June 1st, 1926
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
There is a very large area of wheat around here seeded this year, and nearly all have finished, there being just a few stragglers to wind up
The rains have been good and feed is plentiful; stock are improving fast. If the season keeps on as it is then a bumper harvest (discounting rust) should be the result.
Mr. Palmer, (sen) is home again but is still unwell. His trip to Perth evidently has not benefitted him much.
Mr. H Johnson has been in Mullewa Hospital with pneumonia, but thanks to his robust nature he is about again and hard at work.
Farmers generally are pleased at the result of the Council election, but would rather have had “Old Joe” in power and many think and say Mr. Joe Mills should contest the Greenough seat against Labour.
Tractors are still arriving in this part and every cocky has a motor car and not just a “tin lizzie” either.
Personally, I would have a “lizzie'” every time, if only to support a wonder man like Henry Ford. If more industries would adopt his methods the great revolution would perhaps be staved off. Capital and Labour cannot agree under present methods, even the farmers are adopting “slight co-op” methods. It is a common practice now for farmers to give their employees an area to crop and a portion of the crop.
I know a farmer around here (an oldish man too) who should be sent to the Olympic sports as a jumper. The other day he was standing along side a cow bailed up ready to milk, when another cow objected to his presence and charged him, and he was in such a hurry to get away that he cleared cow and fence in a standing jump. Its wonderful what a man can do if the matter is urgent.
Mrs. Stafford is on a visit here to her son in law (Mr. R. Dunkin)
The hall recently used for dances etc, has been sold and removed much to the regret of the young people.
To-Days Forecast– Still unsettled with further rains over west and south west coastal areas, agricultural districts, and scattered through the Gascoyne and goldfields” Squally north-west to south-west winds, rough coastal weather, Ocean: Heavy north-west to west weather off west and south-west coasts, and across the Bight.
Geraldton Guardian
12 August 1926
(From Our Own Correspondent).
If Geraldton people and other residents in particular, want to see a sight to do their eyes and heart good, then they should come to Tenindewa, especially to the part surrounding Stafford’s farm. The crops are really grand and augur well for full purses again this season. Still, the crops are not the only beauty. I passed along the creek banks on Bindu road this morning and the stream was gurgling, making a comfortable drowsy sound on to its destiny, while all around one the magpies and butcher birds were warbling and whistling as if life was well worth living, but the most beauteous of the lot was the gorgeous floral display of white, pink, yellow and blue. It was one of the loveliest sights seen by me in any part of Australia, and while ‘Miss Australia’s beauty is beyond question it really does not match this wonderful floral display. It is a pity the town people and the kiddies could not come and roll and play in the vast area of blooms (there’s no bees). It was a glorious day, and a heavenly picture fit only for a great artist to describe. Come along Mr. Editor and view it and try and describe it to your reader? (the creek is only running mildly).
[Thanks for the invitation and information. — Ed.]
The crops, I cannot say who has the best, but I can say I do not think there are any better in the Victoria. district, and some of the money spent down south should come this way. The Public Works’ Department Road gang are busy on the Bindu road again, doing a bit more patch work. They say a chain is only as strong as the weakest link, and I suppose the same can be said of a patch-work road, with a few good places, and a few bad. There is a rumor of the Bindu school closing, owing to the lady teacher not being able to find suitable lodgings. It will be a pity as there are a lot of kiddies around Bindu.
August 25th, 1926
Tenindewa Topics
(No author mentioned)
The Tests finished! The Ashes lost! Mullewa Sports gone! There’s nothing left to us but to concentrate our interests now on our own district. The season has been a fairly good one for wheat growing, and some very fine crops are in evidence. Naturally every farmer considers he owns the “daddy” crop. I have seen a good few around this district, and hear glowing reports from Devils’ Creek, but the farmer whose crop can beat Mr. Bob Oldham‘s (Tenindewa and Indarra) should easily be able to shout himself a trip around the world. With an acreage of 800 [320 hectares], Bob is expecting an average of eight bags to the acre [1.4 tonne per hectare]. He has 200 acres [80 hectares] at Indarra, where Bill Oxenham manages for him,100 of which is Merredin and the other 100 Nabawah. If either of these two lots strip under twelve bags to the acre, well, I have slipped a ton in my estimation of wheat yield.
Of course you have heard that that good old battler, H.J. Stafford, has sold out. Yes, it is a fact all right. Sold out, but not yet got the money. But leave it to “Staff”. He will make the I.A.B. cough up his whack, for bless your heart, though he is 63 years of age, he has a heart like Nelson, and is as game as Ned Kelly, for he has already started to carve up another 1000 acres [400 hectare] of York gum country to make another farm. “Staff” should have been a general in the great war. He is full of fight, and tackles anybody or anything. Good luck to the old digger.
We are having our roads put in ship shape order by Ganger Tag McCulloch and his team of Protheroe miners. Judging by the splendid work done by them it is a pity they were not on the first part of the road instead of the proficient road men.
I see we have in our midst a lonely young man (24) who has asked “Suzanne” of the “Truth” to dig him up a wife. There is no need for him to do that, I can put him on the dinkum trail, and if he lays the right bait he will easily find a long haired mate. Our genial storekeeper, Billy Griffiths, is running, in opposition to Sir Joynton Smith, a Miss Tenindewa competition. It is marvelous the entries he is receiving. There is some little hitch, I believe, as Billy has no spare room. He thought the telephone box outside would be just the thing for the ladies to step inside and have their measurements taken, but the ladies are having a caucus meeting over it, and I haven’t yet heard the result. Anyhow, here is a chance for this lonely snoozer to be overcrowded if he knows how to handle himself.
On August 3rd last I, with many more, sat and listened attentively to addresses made by Messrs. J. J. Mather and P Burns on the why’s and wherefores’ of pooling wheat. Both gentlemen put the case before us admirably, and I could not help thinking why such a successful farmer as Mr. J. J. Mather was not nominated or did not stand for election to the Parliament, I wonder? No, Mr. Editor, I am not twisting, but some of the C.P. [Country Party] politicians know as much about farming as I do about pulling teeth.
September 28th 1926
Tenindewa Notes (from our own Correspondent)
Geraldton Guardian
Apparently there is a good deal of Septoria in the early sown crops in some districts. I have been around the crops here and have only seen an isolated case or two, which are due to sowing “early wheat” [varieties] too early, and a favorable season for disease. The crops around her are remarkably good and some heavy yields are expected, in many cases, over 30 bushels per acre [ 2 tonne to the hectare]. Hay cutting is almost finished and 2 tons to the acre are common. Feed is very plentiful and all stock look fat and sleek. Shearing is in progress throughout the district. Some people are asking the question why an Agricultural Show is not held in Mullewa. There is a very large and good agricultural district all round and it should be a success from the take off. Some people are asking why it cost the Public Works Department so much money to build roads. The road gang working around here have finished spending the thousand pounds [$2000.00] allotted, and if so many unnecessary banks had not been built the money would have gone much further. Also it is considered that some arrangements should be made to obviate the men being idle for a few days between jobs as in this case when they had another at Mendal Estate to go to. We have had, just on, an inch [25 mm] during the past week, and it was needed.
Note; Each time “Our own Correspondent” mentions an amount of rain in a particular time the official Tenindewa site on Data and Graphs of BOM is identical. Maybe he was also the rainfall reporter for that site?
Geraldton Guardian
2 October 1926
(From Our Own Correspondent)
Apparently, there is a good deal of septoria in the early sown crops in some districts. I have been around the crops here and have only seen an isolated case or two, which are duo to sowing an early Wheat too early and the favorable season for disease able season, for disease. The crops around here are remarkably good, and some heavy yields are expected, in many cases of over 30 bushels to the acre. Hay cutting is almost finished and two tons to the acre are common. Feed is very plentiful and all stock look fat and sleek. Shearing is in progress throughout the district. Some people are asking the question why an Agricultural Show is not held at Mullewa. There is a very large and good agricultural district all around, and it should be a success from the takeoff. Some people are wondering why it costs the Public Works Department so much money to build roads. The road gang working around here have finished spending the £1,000 allotted, and if so, many unnecessary banks had not been built the money would have gone much further. Also, it is considered that some arrangements should be made to obviate the men being idle for a few days between jobs as in this case when they had another at Mendel Estate to go to.
We have had just on an inch of rain during the past week, and it was needed.
December 11th, 1926
Mullewa District Cricket Association
Town Vs Tenindewa
The above match, the last of the second round, was played at Tenindewa on Sunday, a fair crowd rolled up. The Towns had first use of the wicket and opened up with Yelverton and Evans and the first wicket fell at 63. Yelverton being caught for 26. The team was all out for 150 and Thomas carried his bat for 57 while Evans 41 and J.Toomey 16 were the other to reach double figures. Rumble was best of the bowlers taking 6 for 33. Tenindewa replied with 85 of which Rumble 26, A. Butler 23, and F. Butler 10 were the only batsmen to reach double figures. Evans 3 for 7 and Toomey 3 for 13 and Hayley 2 for 4 were the main bowlers. The visitors were given afternoon tea by the and it proved very nice; the afternoon on the whole proved enjoyable and it is to be hoped that the Towns team will treat its visitors
The following are the scores;
Yelverton c Starling b Rumble 26
Evans b F Butler 41
Langford run out 1
Thomas not out 57
Hayley lbw Oldham 3
Toomey c A Butler b Rumble 16
Nevil c A Butler b Starling 0
Isbel c Oldham b Rumble 1
Frazer b Rumble 0
Radford b Rumble 0
Baxter b Rumble 0
Sundries 6
Total 150
Bowling:- Rumble 6 for 38, F Butler 1 for 60, Oldham 1 for 28, Starling for 12, A Butler 0 for 12
F Butler c Toomey b Isbel 10
Clowes lbw Toomey 0
Rumble run out 26
Oldham lbw Toomey 9
Goldsworthy b Haley 1
Jones b Toomey 0
A Butler c Thomas b Evans 23
Payne stp. Thomas b Hayley 1
Griffiths c Toomey b Evans 3
Hawes stp. Thomas b Evans 0
Starling not out 0
Sundries 12
Total 85
Bowling:– Isbel 1 for 22, Langford 0 for 19, J Toomey 3 for 13, Yelverton 0 for 5, Haley 2 for 4, Evans 3 for 7
December 14th 1926
Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent)
I must start with the backbone of the country, and say they are progressing well garnering the golden grain, and most of the yields are very satisfactory, and in a few cases over 30 bushels (2 tonne per hectare). Old Ben (probably Benoit) tops the yield as per usual with a 12 bag (2.4 tonne per hectare) crop of Yandilla King. It’s wonderful the yields of a wheat crop. Still its not always really so good when all balanced up. Septoria did not make difference to yields around here. Tenindewa is in a very fine position from a wheat growing point of view. A nice distance from the coast, it thus avoids red rust, and is far enough inland to produce the best grain with sufficient rainfall, and whilst the ground is not that stiff in nature, which requires such good fallow and plenty of rain. Stock are all looking well and there is plenty of feed around.
Mr. Stafford is the latest tractor and truck owner, and has practically cut out the poor old gee-gee. He harvested his crop with that this year and it proved very satisfactory, being much quicker than the horse and the pace [of the harvester] is always even. A few farmers are talking of getting tractors.
The Bindu school Christmas tree for the kiddies comes off next Saturday, and the new teacher (Miss Shires) is hard at work arranging matters and has the able assistance of most of the young men around here,
I heard a good one the other day, Mr. Editor, and I’ll pass it on to you. A farmer here does not like chopping the household firewood, and he does not like to see his wife do it, so he fixes the matter by going way out of sight while she does it. His latest idea, however, is to take his tractor and run over the wood heap several times and this solves the problem without much perspiration.
There is often this talk about this Big Brother movement. Don’t you think it is better to have a Big Sister movement? There are a lot of eligible young men around here wanting a wife and there are none available. I suppose it is the same in other districts. You had better advocate this strongly so at to get a few shipments from from the Old Country and pass some on here.