Geraldton Express
6th January 1928
(From our Correspondent)
I suppose you must be sick and tired receiving from your “cockie” correspondents how many bags of wheat Mr. Spendnothing reaped, and how long it will be before Mr. I.A.M. is off the I.A.B., as you have “Wheat” all the year round with you at the pictures at Geraldton.
Note: The thought of the writer is that left-handed comment was about the then picture theatre being owned by a Mr. Wheat at that time?
Nevertheless, I want to impress it upon your memory this place of ours, Tenindewa, is going to be one of the greatest wheat producing districts in W.A.
Every inch of land within an area of fifty miles has been gobbled up to grow the golden grain, and as water is readily found all one has to do is to keep one’s head down, hoe into the ground, and after ten years he will be able to look Mr. H. Grant, of the Agricultural Bank, in the face, and say: ‘Thank God, I owe you nothing, but respect and I pay that to no man.”
Yes, Mr. Editor, there is a lot of money in wheat farming, if you work 23 out of 24 hours a day sewing your crops, then escape severe frosts, red rust, septoria, take all (I.A.B.), and nine other diseases peculiar to wheat growing, and withstand thunderstorms, bush fires and rabbits, to say nothing of that, other parasite, the persistent travelling agent, who with eyes like the hawk when he spots a good crop, will not even under the point of a gun leave the owner until he has persuaded the poor devil to ruin himself by buying a tractor dirt cheap at 600 pounds, or something else no sensible man would ever contemplate of purchasing.
Some of these days, I should like you to get Mr. Rob Moore, brother to Tom, ex member of the Upper House, to write you an essay on wheat farming. All the same I say: Go on the land young man; far better to die there than at sea., for even when dead on the land you are helping to grow something, when at sea you are on a roving commission within a shark or whale; never in the same place twice.
There is one thing I will say about my brother “Cockies. ” Very seldom, even, at Christmas time, do you see many drunks, not because he would not like it, but because he cannot, as anything a cocky buys is on the three-year system, February 1, first stop, and as the Globe Brewery won’t extend their terms to us for hops, we have to mark time” and sit tight.
Peculiar weather around here this season for stripping. November, fine, but very windy; December, all the time threatening with heavy thunderstorms, though nothing serious. I believe, however, that a few hailstones were pelted around to damage good crops. On the face of all this, collectively speaking, it has been a good season here, and the two Driscoll Brothers have truly earned their money receiving our wheat for the Mullewa Co-Op. A word of praise here to these young men shouldn’t be out of order. For three years in succession Ernie and Mick Driscoll have handled the wheat here, and not one word of ‘complaint has been recorded against them, which clearly proves they have given satisfaction both ways, to their employers and the cockies. May they keep on keeping on, is my wish. I don’t know how the second Mr. Liebe fared this season, but this I do know. He will crop 4,000 acres next year, 3,000 of which is fallow. I refer to Mr. Ullrich, our stop-at-nothing neighbour. Up-the-lot every spin must fall heads one time, then a big dividend seems to be his motto. I hope he wins. I read where my neighbour, Mr. M. F Troy, is no longer Minister for Agriculture. Fair dinkum, I don’t believe we have ever had as good a Minister in W.A. before. “No soft soap with him; He often used sand soap. Even if he had done nothing else for the farmer, the outback settler will always pat him on the back for getting an Agricultural Bank loan for settlors 20 miles from the railway. Good on him! Our annual Christmas function was a great success, thanks to the Misses Costello and Giles, our lady teachers, and the liberal financial support of the residents. I believe there is an agitation on foot to get a weighbridge put in at Tenindewa siding, as we want to move with the times. This custom of weighing one bag of wheat at a time was initiated by Noah, when he fed his animals in the ark, and as he has been dead for some little time, now we want to show we are alive and progressing.
I was nearly forgetting to tell you that we have taken on a new lease of life in sporting circles. Last year at cricket we were at the bottom of the list. This season we are the ones on top. We have unearthed two Ponsfords, a Grimmett, and a Gregory, if we don’t win the shield, I cannot say who will.
MLA (Member for Murchison) and Indarra farmer
February 16th, 1928
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
Harvest is finished and I don’t think there are many who were not short of their estimated yield.
The Bindu School has commenced operations again but it is very much regretted some of the scholars have not returned from their holidays, which will probably mean the school will be closed down.
Messrs Helan Bros, of Mittagong farm, sustained a bad loss last Sunday week, owing to a bush fire burning their homestead, seed wheat, wheat bags etc. The place was not insured.
[This property was one of two properties formally owned by H.J. Stafford]
Bush fires are going in all directions, and more areas are being got ready for wheat. The cost of production is far too great and must come down if farmers are to make anything out of it.
The Vermin Board have bestirred themselves at last and have ordered cockies to clean up all of the rabbits within 7 days. It took bunny more than 7 days to spread. Some have laid poison and sheep, cats and numerous birds are being destroyed. A number of valuable birds such as plovers, magpies, butcher birds will be destroyed and this will mean other plagues like they have in the Eastern States at times, where birds have been killed off. Further if foxes cannot get rabbits they will play havoc among the lambs in winter.
A good number of residents journeyed by Sunday’s excursion [train] from Mullewa and most of them returned very much refreshed and pleased with the day at the seaside.
Mary Critch (fondly known as May) wife of Leo, passed away on the 28th of March 1928 in West Wyalong NSW which may well explain the 4 months void here in posts from “Our own Correspondent”
Geraldton Guardian
12th June 1928
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
The farmers around here have finished seeding; the others are still at it. A very large area of wheat is in and there are a number of new settlers who have their first crop in. It is to be hoped that they will realize their expectations. I will recollect my first crops and how I figured it all out, number of bushels per acre and price. [eg see 20th November 1915] My estimate was not quite correct and probably as far out as the Colonial Treasurer is generally. Anyhow it’s nice to build castles in the air. There are a number of farmers around here now who crop 1000 acres [400 hectares] and over–one time they looked upon 300 acres [120 hectares] as a big thing.
The season is so far all that could be desired and has even satisfied the pessimists, rain and sunshine almost daily
There have been a plague of crows around here for sometime. They have their good points but i know one of their bad points is killing lambs. Many lambs around here have been killed and even old weak ewes are tackled by several crows at once and their eyes picked out. They follow the up ewes no matter how often they are shifted to new paddocks. A number have been poisoned but they still come. I thionk all the crows from South Australia and the Murchison are here.
The Tenindewa School has been closed owing to no abode for the teacher. Whey didn’t the Education Department build one.
July 24th, 1928
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
Note; Another clue to the author “our own Correspondent”……suggest he has been there since 1909.
Rain galore, and the townspeople are all smiling, because there is a chance of cocky having plenty of spending silver in a few months. The crops around Tenindewa never looked better during the past 19 years to my knowledge, and Tenindewa Siding expects to shift 60,000 bags [5000 tonne] of wheat this coming harvest. Many new settlers have fair sized areas of wheat on and there is not now one vacant block of ground between Tenindewa and the Greenough River (17 miles distant) [28 kilometers]. New settlers have a much better chance than the old pioneers had, with trucks, tractors and no long distance water carting, A few crops I have seen are Messrs. Benoit, Smith and Dunkin and they look all that could be desired. [Mr.J. Smith farmed west of Bindu school]
At a meeting of the Primary Producers Association it was decided to put a cart weighbridge at Tenindewa Siding to weigh the coming harvest and expedite delivery, otherwise there will be so much delay to cockies. It kept the lumpers and others busy last season with 45,000 bags. [3750] tonne
An enjoyable social and dance was held at Bindu school last Saturday and many attended and went away well pleased.
August 7th, 1928
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
Hot, hot as Hades, dogs panting, fowls’ wings spread in moist places, cows under shady trees, while I. the lord of all, working like a gally slave in Ben Hur. This is some what of a picture, but too true; ; thermometer at 80 [30 degrees Celsius] in the cool room, and only August 2nd. Who can tell what the harvest will be? Crops are looking beautiful so far, water is plentiful and stock are lying around in the paddocks a good part of the day quite comfortable.
The wild flowers are showing their pretty heads above the grass and make a very pleasing sight, white, pink and yellow. If we could only take a life like color-photo of these beauties at this time of year it would be very refreshing to look at it in the summer when the thermometer stands at 100 [38 degrees Celsius]
Fallowing is going on all around this district, ready to help the Royal Harvest for 1929.
A buyer of stock from the Midland line has been touring the district and has cleaned up a large number of sheep and cattle. It is coming on our bad time for flies. They are a pest to be reckoned with, and from now on flocks will require almost daily attention. Possibly that is why some parted with sheep in the wool.
It is fairly hard to get blade shearers, and when the work gets mixed up with hay cutting, it is a nuisance.
Mr. R Dunkin was recently elected as a member of the Mullewa Roads Board for the West Ward. He is showing a deal of energy in his duties. There is no pay attached to the job but a fair amount of outlay. I wonder why Board members are not paid like our M.P’s. Its the same thing on a more moderate scale.
Old Ben is very perky over his crops this year and expects to strip over 4000 bags. [340 tonne]
October 18th, 1928
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
The weather is warming up and stripping will shortly be in full swing and Tenindewa (the most favored of all places) will supply its full quota of the golden grain. The only thing needed now is 20 shillings a bag for wheat [$24.00 per tonne]. I’m not worrying about the poor man’s loaf; its the taxation and interest charges the wheat has to pay that is worrying me. Last week 32,000 wheat bags arrives at Tenindewa in one lot and many thousands prior to that. I think its the largest we have seen so far. I would call it a record, still it wont hold long; next year will break it. Oats are being stripped and are turning out well and the price is quite fair, about 4 shillings and sixpence a bushel. [$20.00 per tonne]
We can do without more rain as crops will be ready, in a week or ten days in most cases, to strip.
Stock are looking well and feed is plentiful, as also is water, most of the farmers having good wells.
Murchison graziers are looking for paddocks to run their breeders in; evidently things are not too good there.
On Wednesday the largest sheep sale ever held in Mullewa will take place—-25,000 of them—I understand many will come here, and also there are 1000 cattle to be sold on the same day.
Plenty of new harvest machinery is coming here and passing further along, which is good for manufacturers.
Emus and ‘roos [sic] are bad this season and the outside settlers are getting a bit of what the old settlers had to stand. They could be easily cleaned up if the farmers would combine and have a big drive, but alas! farmers are the hardest men alive to get united on anything.
Some crops will hardly be worth stripping owning to damage done by pests.
Good horsemen make the best air-pilots, but expert racing motorists do not excel as airmen.
About 40,000 school boys and girls made holiday trips this year under the School Journey Association. There are now 1,300 schools, scattered all over the British Empire and Continent, in the movement.
Trained rat-catchers who work on ships in London docks must be able to estimate the number or rats in the ship before beginning their work of extermination. The figure is later checked by the number of rats found.
The consumption of tin has increased enormously with the popularity of silk and artificial silk. Ten years ago British silk companies were using 800 tons of tin a year; now they are using 8,000 tons —for weighing and dyeing purposes.
October 24th, 1928
Tenindewa Notes
(From our Correspondent)
Sir, –Unfortunately, owing to and old war injuries, I have had to be an inmate of the Repatriation Ward of the Perth Hospital—hence no news from me for the “Express” for this great wheat district to which I belong.
Honestly, without doubt, the Victoria District, will easily top the poll for wheat production this year. Forty million bushels (1.200,000 tonne) were predicted as WA’s yield, but to my mind we will be lucky to see half, for though around here we have splendid crops on fallow and with early wheats, those farmers with new land, and those growing wheats as Yandilla King or any of the late varieties will be lucky if they get enough for seed.
It is one of the worst wheat growing seasons known–no rain worth speaking about in September, and I have not see one crop that has not suffered from scorching.
I am not wailing, for all the crying in the world will not alter things, but what is the good of telling a pack of lies when the truth proves the contrary.
Wheat growing and wheat returns are a farmers business, and the bank, a place from which he draws his “wages” once a year (and I am sure everyone likes to know he is rewarded for his worry, etc, that once), but unfortunately I am sorry to say there are many that will miss this year.
What Others Think
Around here we have had visitors from Southern Cross, Gutha, Three Springs and Gingin, and every one of them has agreed that none of their districts could compare with ours.
Mr. McGregor, of Menang, was asked by Mr. Edgar of Gingin, to show him something good in wheat production. “Mac”, only too pleased drove him around 800 acres (320 hectares) which will in places go ten bags (2 tonne per hectare) easily but taking it on the whole, good, bad and indifferent Mr. McGregor will harvest on average 7 bags to the acre (1.5 tonne per hectare)
Messrs. Thomas Bros, Couper and Peet of Ardingly, have also got splendid crops, and the settlers of Devils Creek and Mendal Estate, though of course wanting more rain, will harvest good crops.
Mr. J.J Smith has caused a bit of a stir among “professional” wheat growers by growing a wonderful crop of wheat at his farm in Bindu and defying all the shrewd head to identifying the wheat, which is an early variety which is showing heads of 9 inches long. (20 cms) He bought the seed from Kemp Bros, who claim to have originated it, whether they did or not will soon be known, for Mr. Stokes has been sending samples to the Agricultural Department and as they are putting the acid test on it, we will soon know whether it is mundice [sic] or pure gold grain.
I read in the papers where the P.P.A. were agitating for Italians. Just what I expected. They would just be the right sort to leave to protect their (not mine) wives and children should the outbreak of another war occur. Splendid propaganda for them for the next election, and here’s one who wont forget it.
The Elections–And an Opponent for Mr. Kennedy
Talking about elections, my old friend Mr. H. J. Stafford is going to step into the ring an try and box Mr. M.J. Kennedy out of the constituency. “Staff” is going to nominate as a C.P. (Country Party).
I am not going to say good luck to him, for though he is a friend of mine, the present government will do me, for I consider it is the best and most progressive we have ever had.
Put Squandering Jimmy back in power, and being so optimistic, he might float a loan of six millions and turn the Geraldton Harbor into a skating rink, and though, like the group settlements, this might take 100 years, as I wont live that long, I will stick to *Morrie Kennedy for my politics.
Note; *Maurice Kennedy was the member for Greenough from 1924 to 1930
A Fine new House
You have often heard of that old rhyme “This is the house that Jack built”. Well, you will want to see the house that Nat built at Tenindewa–absolutely out on its own. Its a mansion built of cement bricks, and costing in the neighborhood of 2000 pounds ($4,000) for Mr. Nat Rumble, who is to be married shortly believes that now he he has caught his canary, he should cage it worthily. Furthermore, it plainly shows that he has implicit faith in Tenindewa.
Front; Kathleen Rumble (Piesse) and Vera Rumble (Sands)
The mother of the girls and most likely the photographer wrote “Memories of a Migrant”
The three tall gentlemen are probably Alex, Manfred and Ernie Rumble (TBC)
The elderly lady on the left is Isobella the second wife of Mr. Jo Rumble
The remnant of that House that Nat Built still stands 3.5 Ks east of Tenindewa on the north side of the highway
Show train Service
Here is a boost from here for you Geraldton people to share amongst you. Why, at show time don’t you cater for us county folk to attend the Geraldton Show. We don’t all own cars, and at this particular time your train service is up to mud, for it meant stopping in two days in Geraldton to enjoy a one day show. Many of us farmers with families would be only too pleased to attend if there were special trains run, such as at sea side excursions, railway picnics, etc. Mr. A Meadowcroft, read, mark, learn, chew and digest this.
November 1st, 1928
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
(This is a most important article in getting an understanding of who the writer/s was/were and who he wasn’t)
1 As he openly disagrees with the former article, it clearly shows that “Our Own Correspondent” and “Our Correspondent” are definitely not, one and the same person
2 The highlighted piece below goes a long way to telling us who the writer is.
I noticed in the Tenindewa “express” correspondents’ notes, recently remarks about Tenindewa crops, which are not quite correct.
He says ; “Around here we have splendid crops on fallow, and with early wheat; those farmers with new land and those growing such wheat as Yandilla King, or any late variety, will be lucky if they get wheat for seed.
I would suggest this correspondent has a good look at Mr. Dawkins’ crop, of Benn, and Mr. Benoit’s crop of Yandilla King, and he will then alter his opinion, and this season around here, is far better than last season, and the crops are full of wheat.
If he could have a look at Mr. Major’s crop, Mr. W. Brenkley’s and go further out [to[, Messrs. Broderick and Adams, he would see some good results. Also regarding new ground, the writer can show one of the best crops in the district (not exceeding fallow) on new ground. Moreover, I can show some wheat grown on new land as late as June 21, and it is well headed and full of wheat, and will grow [sic] well.
This particular part is specially favorable for wheat, and other grain growing. It is not too close to the coast to be affected by rust, and not too far inland, to get storms too early. We are sure of reasonable rains, and the land is nice red loam, in most cases, which takes moisture freely and gives it off to the plants. I am a pioneer farmer on [sic] this area and have learned a little during the past 20 years and have much more to learn. Wheat is a wonderful plant, and a wonderful study. Tenindewa is as good a place as the next place to grow average crops of sound wheat, and this year will be a record for our siding, so I hope those responsible for the handling of the same will be prepared.
November 15th, 1928
Tenindewa Notes
(from our own Correspondent)
The golden grain is being gathered rapidly, and is turning out much better than expected, and a long way ahead of last year. Some of the yields are Mr. R. V. Oldham, about nine bags: Mr. H J Stafford, on new ground, over seven bags, with that good wheat Merredin. Others around are panning out equally as well. The Cockies are that busy they have not even time to attend church or a race meeting, not even time to have a bit [sic] on the Melbourne Cup. My estimate of 60,000 bags of wheat [5000 tonne] for Tenindewa this harvest, I think will be exceeded. So perhaps the cockies after they have paid their debts, will “have a bit of spending silver” and may even buy a secondhand motor car.
The buying agents are all busy trying to get big stacks for Geraldton, but as the price is pretty low, farmers are not selling freely.
They say the Bindu State School is being closed owing to non-attendance of scholars. It is a great pity, for once it is closed it will be hard to reopen.
A few residents patronized the special excursion train on Sunday last, and visited Geraldton
January 3rd, 1929
Tenindewa Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
This is possibly the last article written for the “Express” and about Tenindewa by Leo Critch.
The farmers are nearly all finished harvesting and the results are good judging by their pleasant dials. A few stragglers have to finish yet; I suppose some must be last.
The Bindu school held its Christmas tree and it was a great success. About 20 pounds was collected and every child received a gift. The teacher and others worked hard and deserve credit.
Large stacks of wheat are at Tenindewa and Indarra. The Railway Department appear to have difficulty in supplying trucks to shift it. I should think it would pay to keep special trains running day and night at 3 pence per bushel freight [$1.20 per tonne], with no handling or sheetage [sic]. Apparently there is delay in Geraldton discharging trucks. It would be interesting to trace the movement of a few trucks for a fortnight to see if delay cannot be averted. I know trucks lie in Tenindewa siding for days. *
Farmers are not selling [wheat] freely as they consider the prices too low.
Feed and water are plentiful and stock are looking good
* Clearly the author lives in proximity to the siding. Leo Critch’s shack was about 1.5 kilometers northwest of the siding. (As the crow flies)
Note; It was about this time that Mr. Drew, the owner of the Geraldton Express amalgamated it with the Geraldton Guardian which could be another reason the “Express” articles ceased.
Also, just after this time, Leo Critch (Our own Correspondent) remarried and moved to Winchester (A rail siding north of Three Springs)
(Note the turkey in the right foreground)
Geraldton Guardian and Express
October 30th, 1930
Wheat Growers Problems
Important Resolutions carried
A largely attended meeting of wheat growers was held at Tenindewa on Sunday, October the 26th, about one hundred settlers being present from all parts of the district. The meeting was so well attended that hardly a farmer was absent. The meeting continued from 2pm to 6pm and the meeting was then adjourned till next Sunday, so as to enable their representatives in Parliament to send a copy of the Bill which is before the House at present, a Bill to assist farmers.
Several important resolutions were carried, and it was decided to have them broadcast. Below are quoted the resolutions carried.
Many farmers spoke to these resolutions, and great indignation was expressed at the action of the Agricultural Bank threatening to foreclose on their clients, unless a lien is given over their wheat. It appears, from statements made the Bank has been lax in collecting the amounts for a few years, and now conditions are bad and the Government want their money, they are pressing their clients even worse, it is stated, than private creditors. many cases of hardship were quoted by those present where business people were unduly harassing farmers for liens over their wheat. It was mentioned that wheat growers in this district and on the Wongan line are going to engage a special train to take them to Perth to see those concerned, with the intention of not leaving Perth until something fair is done to the wheat grower. The farmers feel they should have ample allowance to carry them decently over the coming year, and cases were quoted where farmers were living on one pound [$2.00] per week for four people since the bank tightened up last harvest. They consider this unfair as the poorest paid worker in the towns live better
A strong feeling ran through the meeting that farmers should store the wheat on their farms and not cart or sell any until prices were much better or a Government allowance brings it up to at least 4 shillings. [a bushel]………..[$14.40 per tonne] It was urged that the Government should lose no time in declaring a partial moratorium to protect the farmers from creditors, who are falling over one another to obtain the harvest.
A branch of the Northern Wheat Growers was formed and all those present joined up.
The following resolutions were carried;
“That this meeting of wheat growers, after careful consideration of production costs, consider there is a grave danger of this harvest being sold at a price, or loss of one shilling per bushel [$3.60 per tonne] on all wheat marketed.
“That the State Government be asked to introduce a moratorium (partial) at once to protect farmers from their creditors.
The following resolutions were also submitted
“That all farmers agree to hold their wheat on farms until the Government make arrangements safeguarding the farmer.” It will be further discussed at next Sunday’s meeting.
Mullewa Mail
16 July 1932
City v. Suburbs
From Our Correspondent
A match was played at Tenindewa on July 8 between the “City” players of the tennis club and the “Suburbs”
The match resulted in a win for the City, the scores being—City; 13 sets, 96 games; Suburbs: 5 sets, 75 games.
Following are the scores; Suburban players being mentioned first—
Short and Hamilton lost to Oldham and Gordon 3-6
Hayes and Curtis beat Mitz and Williams 3-6
O’Donnell and Simpson lost to A. and F. Butler 6-8
Brenkley and Burton beat Griddle and Mullender 5-6
Nattress and Betts lost to Ullrick and Starling 6-5
Hayes and Short beat Oldham and A. Butler 4-6
Hamilton and Curtis beat Gordon and Mitz 6-4
Nattress and Burton lost to Mullender and Starling 6-5
Brenkley and O’Donnell beat F. Butler and Ullrick 3-6
Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Brenkley lost to Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Oldham 6-1
Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Griffiths lost to Mrs. Butler and Miss Penny 4-6
Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Curtis lost to Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Butler 3-6
Mrs. Brenkley and Mrs. Griffiths lost to Mrs. Oldham and Miss M. Penny 4-6
Mrs. Hayes and Short lost to Mrs. Gordon and Oldham 1-6
Mrs. Brenkley and Hayes lost to Mrs. Oldham and Gordon 3-6
Mrs. Curtis and Hamilton lost to Miss Penny and Williams 5-6
Mrs. Griffiths and D, Farrell lost to Miss Peden and D. Bell 2-6
Mrs. Curtis and Simpson lost to Miss M. Penny and Criddle 5-6
September 10th 1932
Gun Shearing at Tenindewa
By “Jackeroo Jim”
Mullewa Mail
No doubt you have read great stories about shearing tallies and perhaps have heard that Mr. Vic Johnson, secretary A.W.U., was in his time a gun shearer.
I believe he was a 280 sheep a day man, but if he or anyone else can beat the shearer who is living amongst us today, well I will stop drinking. I will therefore endeavor with your kind permission give all hands full particulars of his last contract.
A neighboring farmer, Mr. Benoit was anxious to get nineteen sheep shorn and knew in his heart no big gun would take on such a large flock. He stuck up a notice on a board outside our local store calling for tenders for same. He got one application, a young English chap who had been about these districts for years. He called on Mr. Benoit of Sleepy hollow Farm and sought particulars.
The Interview
“Good day, are you Mr. Benoit?”
“I am” said Ben
“I have come to see about that shearing job”
“Good oh!” says young Ben ” where have you been shearing before?”
“In England,” said Hill, “I used to shear hedges”.
“I have never shorn a sheep but think I could manage 5 a day comfortably”
“Hedges!” ejaculated Ben [sic]
“There might be a few doublegees in the wool but no thorns; anyhow as I want them done I will give you a go. Who is that snoozer with you?”
“His name is Jeremih Kemp”, I brought him with you
March 19th 1933
Mullewa Mail
Fire at Tenindewa
The homestead on the farm of Mr. Robert and Gwen Oldham, Tenindewa was destroyed by fire on Sunday, March 6. The fire was first noticed by Alfred James, a neighboring farmer, who gave the alarm to Mr. Oldham’s manager, W. T. Rowland, who was visiting another farm.
It was found however that nothing could be done to save the house, which had practically been guttered when people arrived at the building. The only portions saved were the wash house and garage.
There was no one living at the house at that time, Mr. Oldham being away on holiday.
The house, a four roomed structure with verandah all round was, it is understood, insured.
Note; It is known that a lad from the Tenindewa Settlement had wandered to the place (about 2 kilometers W.N.W of Tenindewa) on the southern bank of the creek and deliberately started the fire.
The paddock in which the house stood is identified as “Old Homestead Paddock” to this day
June 27th 1936
Mullewa mail
Tenindewa Vs Pindar
The above match played last Sunday on the Tenindewa courts was a forcible reminder of Lewis Carroll’s famous ballad, in which the walrus is lecturing to an audience of oysters and punctuating his lecture from time to time, with a few mouthfuls of his audience–in spite of their frantic protests–is supposed to have said –“I weep for you” the walrus said. “I deeply sympathize.” With tears and groans he sorted out– two of the largest size.
In the men’s singles particularly, this rule was scrupulously — or unscrupulously– observed by Tenindewa, as all Pindar players were cleaned up, but…..with such an air of good fellowship that the cleaning up was really enjoyable. The Pindar captain was swallowed boots and all –6-0 and his doughty opponent looked as if three or four more of the same would merely whet his appetite for lunch.
On the other hand the Pindar ladies, reinforced by the addition of three Mullewa players, refused to be swallowed, showing some knowledge of the swallowing art themselves.
However the day’s play was very enjoyable. The courts were in excellent condition and the day, though was cool, was fine. Tenindewa won very comfortably by 20 sets to 12 and one set was unfinished at 4 o’clock all owing to the failing light. Many of the games however, were very evenly contested and some fair tennis was witnessed.
The very best of the day’s tennis was provided by the men’s top singles, in which Oldham beat Williams 6–8, and the two top ladies singles in which the Pindar ladies were successful–Mrs. Wright winning from Mrs. Hayes 6–3 and Miss Brand winning from Mrs. Oldham at the same score.
Afternoon tea was provided by the local ladies and was much appreciated. In the exchange the usual courtesies at the conclusion of the match it was mentioned that Pindar was having its its courts reconditioned, after which it is hoped to stage a return match on it’s home courts.
The full scores are as follows (Tenindewa players being mentioned first in each case):
Men’s Singles
Oldham beat Williams, 6–8: W. Weir beat Simpson, 6–0: R. Short beat Sutherland, 8–6: S Hayes beat Wickham, 6–4: Hayes beat Eustace, 6–4: Butler beat Penman, 6–3: Brenkley lost to Small, 8–6.
Ladies Singles
Mrs. Hayes lost to Mrs. Wright, 8–6: Mrs. Oldham lost to Miss Brand, 8–6: Mrs. Butler lost to Mrs. Renner, Mrs. Short beat Mrs. Stoner, 6–8: Mrs. Curtis beat Mrs. Small, 6–4: Mrs. Brenkley beat Mrs. Hayley, 6–5.
Men’s Doubles
Oldham and W. Weir beat Williams and Simpson, 6–3: R and J Short beat Sutherland and Wickham, 6–2: Hayes and Butler beat Eustace and Penman, 6–3: R. Weir and Curtis, beat Stoner and Kinsella, 6–2, 6–0: Brenkley and D. Bell lost to Proctor and Wright, 4–6: Brenkley and Bell beat Small and Proctor, 6–3.
Ladies Doubles
Mrs. Oldham and Mrs. Hayes beat Mrs. Wright and Miss Brand, 6–3: Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Short lost to Mrs. Renner and Mrs. Stoner, 2–5: Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Brenkley lost to Mrs. Small and Mrs. Hayley, 4–6: Miss Stafford and and Miss Quinn drew with Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Simpson, 3–6, 6–4.
Mixed Doubles
Oldham and Mrs. Oldham beat Williams and Mrs. Wright, 6–4: W. Weir and Mrs. Hayes beat Simpson and Miss Brand, 6–4: R. and Mrs. Short lost to Sutherland and Mrs. Renner, 2–6: J. Short and Mrs. Butler Wickham and Mrs. Stoner, 6–2: Hayes and Mrs. Curtis lost to Eustice and Mrs. Small, 5–6: Butler and Mrs. Brenkley lost to Stoner and Mrs. Foster, 4–6: Curtis and Miss Quinn lost to Kinsella and Mrs. Simpson, 2–6: R. Weir and Mrs. Stafford Vs Penman and Mrs. Hayley, 4–4 (unfinished).
Total Scores: Tenindewa, 20 sets and 160 games: Pindar 20 sets and 140 games.
Note; The Pindar names are interesting. Bert Simpson MLC held the seat of Central Province for 17 years. Neta was his wife. They lived in Pindar for many years.
Mrs. Annie Small (wife of Pindar pioneer, Peter) and the mother of 4 beautiful daughters, including the two brilliant artists, in Ailsa (Flannigan) and Elisabeth (Barnetson). George and Mrs. Stoner and Harold (Jim) and Thelma Wright are immortalized by the famous Alf Cough built shed that still stands at Pindar with their names emblazoned on the front. Mr. and Mrs. Foster were long time Pindar residents and are not to be confused with the iconic Foster family that came to Tenindewa some years after this event.
The building is one of the famous surviving Alf Couch creations
March 19th 1933
Mullewa Mail
Fire at Tenindewa
The homestead on the farm of Mr. Robert and Gwen Oldham, Tenindewa was destroyed by fire on Sunday, March 6. The fire was first noticed by Alfred James, a neighboring farmer, who gave the alarm to Mr. Oldham’s manager, W. T. Rowland, who was visiting another farm.
It was found however that nothing could be done to save the house, which had practically been guttered when people arrived at the building. The only portions saved were the wash house and garage.
There was no one living at the house at that time, Mr. Oldham being away on holiday.
The house, a four roomed structure with verandah all round, was, it is understood, insured.
Note; It is known that a lad from the Tenindewa Settlement had wandered to the place (about 2 kilometers W.N.W of Tenindewa) on the southern bank of the creek and deliberately started the fire.
The paddock in which the house stood is identified as “Old Homestead Paddock” to this day
May 22nd 1937
The season opens
Promising new players
(By “Barracker”)
The weather could hardly have been more appropriate for the winter sport on Sunday last, when the Mullewa Association’s premiership competition was commenced. More than usual interest is being evidenced in the triangle for honours this season owning to the entry of a team representing Tenindewa into the Association. On Sunday Railways engaged Tenindewa on the latter’s ground while at Mullewa Devil’s Creek and Federals were the opposing eighteens.
The football in both instances was nothing to enthuse over, but this is only to be expected on top of the players six months respite. Players tiered quickly and the fast pace at which the games opened up dropped away considerably before the final bell rang. Several players, however, revealed excellent form, appearing not to suffer any ill effects from lack of training. The opening game served to unearth new talent to the game locally. A large number of last seasons stars have left Mullewa, but it appears more than likely among the new players donning guernseys will be found men capable of fully compensating their teams for last season’s losses.
A Valuable Acquisition
Probably the most promising of the players new to Mullewa is Tom McCart. This player has lined up for the Railways Club, and his, at times brilliant play on Sunday played no small part in Railway’s narrow victory over Tenindewa. Whether off the ball or placed McCart pleased with a fine display. He has a very nice disposal of the ball, marks well and kicks long and accurately. McCart is a most valuable acquisition to the red and blacks, and is certain to prove a thorn in the side of the opposing teams.
Wansbrough, who is also stripping for Railways this season, showed promise of developing into a very heady player. He gave a good display in the full forward position against Tenindewa and one of his goals, scored at an acute angle was an excellent effort. Harris and Palter, also new recruits to the ranks of the red and blacks, also played promisingly.
Tenindewa only need match-play to become a very solid team. It was only due to their atrocious kicking for goals–13 behinds were registered from 15 shots– that they were beaten last Sunday.
Tenindewa is captained by Murphy, who was one of Devil’s Creek’s outstanding representatives last season. In addition two former Creek players in P. Criddle and Jim Hurley have considerably strengthened the green and golds. Wally Weir handed out a rattling game on Sunday and should develop into one of Tenindewa’s best. Other players in McDonnell, Stafford and Johnson revealed pleasing form. The green and golds favour the fast open game and have plenty of pace. As previously stated, Tenindewa need only to improve their kicking and they should be capable of holding their own with any team in the Association.
The Devil’s Creek team is, with the exception of Paddy Keeffe, Hurley, P. Criddle and Murphy, practically the same as last season. The re-inclusion of Tom Keeffe is a large degree counterbalance to the loss of the four players mentioned. It is understood the Paddy Keeffe who won many matches with the blue and golds last year, is endeavoring to obtain a clearance to another team and if this rumour is correct it will mean a lot to Devil’s Creek. However they convincingly defeated Federals in the opening match of the season, Tom Keeffe, Charlie Whitehurst, Fred McAuliffe and a new recruit in G. Bunter contributing in a large degree to the victory. The last mentioned should develop into an out of the ordinary player. He played good football in a variety of positions last Sunday and has plenty of speed. Devil’s Creek’s rather easy win over Federals on Sunday suggests they will be a very tough nut to crack this season.
Federals probably the most in regard to loss of players, as outstanding performers in Landauer, Wilson, Williams and Andrews will this year be absentees. Several new players were tried out on Sunday and in this regard Balding acquitted himself excellently and gave promise of better things to come. He is an excellent mark and sure kick and in addition has football knowledge and pace. Match play will serv to mould this player into a very valuable man. Another to show distinct promise was Peter Barden. He was not afraid to get amongst the crushes took some surprisingly good marks and revealed plenty of energy. A few more games and it will not surprise me if Barden is one of the first selected for the Red and Whites.
On the whole Federals have plenty of room for improvement and should win many matches before the season closes. One of last years in Bennington has yet to come into the team, and should materially strengthen the side.
Captains Appointed
Prior to the commencement of Sunday’s matches the following captains and vice captains were appointed for the respective teams for the season: Devil’s Creek -Tom Keeffe. Whitehurst vice captain; Railways – Jack O’Loughlin captain, Reg Brand vice captain; Federals – Emmett Gill captain, W. Hayley vice captain, P Criddle vice captain.
Creek’s Close Call
Tenindewa Just Misses Tomorrow’s Excursion
In one of the closest finishes this season, Devil’s Creek secured a victory over Tenindewa at the latter’s ground on Sunday. Last time these clubs met, Tenindewa had registered its first victory and last week it was rather unlucky not to record another.
As far as football is concerned, the game was practically non-est, [sic] but excitement prevailed when Tenindewa, in the last term pressed hard in an endeavor to overtake the visitors and missed by the narrow margin of five points.
Weather conditions were decidedly bad, the day being very wild and squally. It was those conditions which kept a lot of “Fairweather Footballers” at home and forced both teams to take the filed short sided. Owing to the direction and force of the wind, most of the play took place at the norther end of the ground.
Devil’s Creek–P. Keeffe. G. Keeffe, T. Keeffe, J. Keeffe, R. Bone, K. Bone, C. Whitehurst, W. (Son) Whitehurst, N. Browning, H. Browning, Evens, H. Millar, D. Millar, W. O’Brien
Tenindewa–R. Weir, W. Weir, P. O’Brien, P. Criddle, G. Criddle, D. Bell, Bunter, Groom, Collins, Davies, Farrell, Benoit, Mitchell, Johnson.
Details of Play
Creek were the first to reap the fruits of initiative when T. Keeffe, the seasons leading goalkicker, started the scoring with a six pointer. Tenindewa, in a spirit of retaliation, raised a like score, the kick being well judged by Collins. The remainder of the term saw creek attacking hard but six shots resulted in a major by P. Keeffe, and five minors. First Quarter; —
Creek — 2gls. 5 bhds.
Tenindewa — 1 gl.
The second term put Tenindewa in the ascendency, giving them a lead of two goals at the big break. The nature of the wind was a big aid to the home side during this period and the forwards took full advantage of the fact. Tenindewa had most of the play, the visiting team being kept down to one scoring shot, a goal by T. Keeffe early in the term. Goals were scored for the green and golds by R. Weir, Rumble, Davies and Collins, during which time five behinds were added. Half time: —
Tenindewa — 5 gls. 5 bhds.
Creek — 3 gls. 5 bhds.
After the long interval veterans J. Keeffe and W, (Son) Whitehurst took the field for the visiting side bringing their strength up to fourteen men. This term was definitely the visitors, six goals, two behinds going on the board, while Tenindewa scored only a single. T. Keeffe was responsible for two of the majors, while creek Creek’s diminutive colt, H. (Ben Hur) Browning, also bagged two.
Creek — 9 gls. 7 bhds.
Tenindewa — 5 gls. 6 bhds.
In the final term Tenindewa made a valiant bid for victory, again taking advantage of the weather. Creek also were striving hard and the managed to stave off defeat with a single scored during this term. Tenindewa brought its total up to that of Creek’s third quarter score. Rumble, Bunter and Collins, the latter right on the bell, were responsible for three of the home side’s majors. Final: —
Creek — 9 gls. 12 bhds. (66 pts)
Tenindewa — 9 gls. 7 bhds. (61 pts)
Best Players — Devil’s Creek: G. Keeffe, C. Whitehurst, R, Bone, T. Keeffe, Evans, Tenindewa: W, Weir, Bunter, G. Criddle, Collins, P. Criddle
Goalkickers — Devil’s Creek: T. Keeffe 4, H. Browning 2, R. Bone, P. Keeffe. C. Whitehurst. Tenindewa: Collins 3, Rumble 2, Davis, Weir, Bunter, Unknown.