1910 to 1911 Tenindewa Notes

October 9th, 1910Sunday Times Mr. Fry presents another example of what can be done by hard work and perseverance. With a capital of less than 100 pounds [$200.00], he selected …

1912 to 1913 Tenindewa Notes

Geraldton Guardian 8th March 1912Tenindewa Notes.(From Our Own Correspondent.) Tenindewa is a very busy place, just now, what with farmers ploughing, and carting, water, and new settlement going inland. Some …

1914 to 1915 Tenindewa Notes

March 5th, 1914Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent) All the farmers around here are finishing harvest and trucking wheat and most are satisfied. Some came out well whilst others have …

1916 to 1919 Tenindewa Notes

February 1st 1916 Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent) The heavy storms of rain and wind on the 19th and 20th insts. did a lot of damage to standing crops …

1920 Tenindewa Notes

January 22nd, 1920Tenindewa Notes (From our own Correspondent) Very hot weather is the order of things around here, but still water and feed are plentiful and stock are good. There …

1921 to 1922 Tenindewa Notes

January 19th, 1921Geraldton ExpressTenindewa Notes (From our Correspondent) As the Engine Drivers Ass. forgot to provide a letter carrier for this district before they went “Bolshevik” I could not find …

1923 to 1924 Tenindewa Notes

January 1923Geraldton GuardianTenindewa Notes (From our Correspondent) Thank goodness that dry year of 1922 has gone, and now that Mr. Clement Wragge is dead, he has taken all his forecasts …

1925 to 1926 Tenindewa Notes

January 7th, 1925Doings at Tenindewa (From our Correspondent) Here’s wealth and successTo the staff of the “Express”With a prosperous and happy New YearAnd when I come down To Geraldton townI’ll …

1927 Tenindewa Notes

March 2nd, 1927Tenindewa Notes (From our Correspondent) As the only humming to be heard now comes from the busy bees I presume harvest is all finished. I think, without boasting, …

1928 to 1939 Tenindewa Notes

Geraldton Express6th January 1928TENINDEWA TOPICS(From our Correspondent) I suppose you must be sick and tired receiving from your “cockie” correspondents how many bags of wheat Mr. Spendnothing reaped, and how …

1930 to 1947 Tenindewa Notes

October 30th 1930Geraldton Guardian and Express (No correspondent mentioned) Wheat Growers ProblemsBig Meeting at TenindewaImportant Resolutions Carried The largely attended meeting of wheat growers was held at Tenindewa on Sunday, …